
Why are Port Adelaide a hated team.?

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Ive heard that quote before that they are a hated team... why is that?

This may be a stupid question but don't criticize me, because I don't know much AFL out of Sydney.





  1. I hate Port Adelaide!  Let me tell you, (nicely), why that is.

    I started off indifferent: I support who I support, (Geelong), have a few teams I like for various reasons, (Richmond, Sydney, WCE), and watch the rest for interest's sake.

    But Port Adelaide get me down because of the bogan-element of their fans.  My parents live in the town where three of the Power come from, and as such there is quite a bit of Power attitude there.  Now that's all well and good: support the local boys, support the local team: but there is this bishpig element that spits at my dad when he's in his car (he has a Cats sticker) or makes quite offensive remarks when he's out and about.

    Also, this being SA, the attitude is that "AFL" stands for "Adelaide Football League" and there are no other teams in existence except Power and Crows.  SA generally has a negative attitude towards Victoria/ns, and that is hard to resist peacably.

    So...why don't I hate the Crows as well?  Because I know a few Crow fans and they are all great blokes/sheilas.  Also I was at AAMI a few weeks ago when Geelong played Crows and I really enjoyed the game.  Okay so of course I enjoyed Geelong winning by twelve goals, but the Crow fans around me (all strangers to me) were having a great time and were laughing and joking through the evening.  We sledged each other in good humour and there was brilliant give-and-take.

    Had it been a Power game I know I would have been going home "in the back of an ambulance".

    I don't mind the 18 men in aqua on the ground, but it's the bogans in the stands and the ***** on the TV that spoil it for me.

    It's a shame team I really love, three I'm happy to see win, eleven who I'm prepared to watch as participants in the league.  Just the one who can go to the hot place.

    Now, if you'll excuse me I have the 2007 Grand Final to watch over...and over...and over...


  2. Lol port suck because of their disgraceful effort in last years grand final! It was great for me too watch though because the Cats cruised home!  

  3. People can't 'dis' west coast or adelaide because they are the better of the clubs in W.A and S.A so people hate the team which struggles/ less successful and in South Australia that happens to be port adelaide so they are disliked more. Port don't bother me, but the feral/hated thing must of rubbed of on my seeing as i absolutely hate freo and adelaide are my 2nd favourite club. Because in from w.a i think of victoria as where all the hated clubs are, i never have thought of port as a hated club.


    Bec wild - i wouldn't have a clue who broncos and cowboys were, or were they are from.

  4. They were introduced into the AFL so supporters of other teams could hate some other team besides Collingwood.

  5. Because they sleep with their dads

  6. Port hates the Crows because the Crows got into the AFL before Port. Everyone in SA hates Port Magpies in the SANFL, so it's just a continuation, really. It's a massive rivalry here - you should come to a Showdown sometime!


  7. Port Adelaide is hated by Adelaide Crows supporters, and Adelaide Crows are hated by Port Adelaide supporters, its a rivalry thing  

  8. adelaide hate them coz they r both from sa...

    lions hate them coz they beat us...

    port sucks!

    if ur from sydney.. the swans will probly hate the new west sydney team (when they come 2 the AFL) just coz of the whole 'same state rivalry' thing..

    its like broncos hate cowboys and vice versa in NRL

  9. cos they r all W**kers

  10. Im not exactly sure why. They do seem to have the scummiest group of supporters (much worse even than collingwood), and the coach is always pretty arrogant. Also they have terrible jerseys  

  11. **I would have thought the only people who hate Port Adelaide are those who barrack for Adelaide.

    As a Victorian I'd have to say that the most hated team over here is Collingwood.  You either love them or you hate them and I'd say that's the same with Port Adelaide in South Australia.**

  12. Don't worry, not a stupid question. Port Adelaide are mainly hated by the Crows supports because they were going to merge and be 1 AFL team, however, Port Adelaide went to the AFL behind Adelaide's back so Adelaide got in and Port had to stay in the SANFL until they reached AFL. A lot of people don't like port because they are rather new to the AFL and don't have many supporters. Port Adelaide have also upset alot of teams in their time.

  13. well port suck so bad. i am a crow memeber so i hate trhem. just like you will hate the new west sydney team. its just plain rivalry and there is nothing those port fairies can do to get 100 ppl to a game

  14. I don't know but if the Adelaide crows will barrack for anyone but them it makes you wonder.

    My boss is one eyed crow and when Port came to the comp  I said to her well now you will have another side to go for like we do with the Dockers and and she turned and said as long as there is breath left in my body I will never go for them we hate them they are the Collingwood of SA pretty much summed it up for me.

  15. I don't hate them, but generally people hate teams beacuse of their supporters, and players. That's why people hate Collingwood, well at least that's the reasons people give to me! :)

  16. They have feral supporters. The coach is arrogant, no wonder why Port struggles to get a full house at AAMI Stadium.

  17. I don't hate them. I hate their club song.

    "We'll never stop, stop, stop. Till we're top, top, top.


  18. If you watch a Port Adelaide match and when they kick a goal, just look at the supporters and that my solve your question. There are some supporters that are great and support their team, but there are a majority of them that in nice terms are just plain feral - no offence to the proper fans that support their teams, but the times I watch a Port Adelaide match the supporters in the crowd are all rowdy and drunk, and the players aren't much better. Dean Brogan goes around punching peoples heads in and then Chad Cornes goes around saying he may cut off his finger - bit drastic eh?

  19. Their supporters mate

  20. Irritating bogans the lot of them....

    What do you call 20,000 port fans at the bottom of the ocean?

    A good start

    Whats the difference between a dead dog and a dead port adelaide fan on the road?

    There are skidmarks in front of the dog

    2007 GRAND FINAL  Apology from Channel 10

    Channel 10 would like to apologise for the programming error on Saturday. The TV guide said AFL Grand Final but unfortunately they screened Australia's Biggest Losers by mistake. Once again Channel 10 apologises for the inconvenience.

  21. adelaide crows and port adelaide have a thing going where all they do is pay each other out. Plus since port lost last year the the G.F everyone hates them. They are chockers

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