
Why are Republicans all for taxing the profits of individuals (income)?

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but against taxing profits of corporations...... Fred Thompson made that pretty clear last night in his story, I mean speech.




  1. So, the goods we buy increase in price, when we tax corporations, right?

    So . . . that gives us the option of whether we buy those goods or not.

    So, we have a CHOICE as to whether we kick in on the tax.

    Whereas, when we are DIRECTLY taxed, we have no choice.

  2. Let me see, the Republicans are responsible for a broad tax cut under the Bush administration from the Clinton administration, they are responsible for lowering the capital gains tax and the "death tax". I suppose you are not listening to Obama when he has said that he would roll back the Bush tax cuts. I suppose you think you will get more benefits and pay less taxes under Obama. I suppose you think you will get a pay raise from the corporation you work for that just had it's taxes increased by Obama. I suppose you believe you will pay less for goods and services provided by the corporations that Obama has increased taxes on. Typical backward liberal thinking.

  3. You got a totally different message than most people.  Taxing profits is not just a Republican objective, the tax and spend democrats need it too, how else could they possibly fund their social programs.

    If your question is about individual income taxes, then you best think again.  Income tax will not go away anytime soon.  It's here to stay and I believe this assessment would get positive response from both sides of the aisle.

  4. They aren't.  But maybe you can explain to me why those of you voting for Obama think that on top of $4.00 gas, American homes going into foreclosure, trillions lost in equity, and the highest inflation rate in over 27 years, that HIGHER TAXES are what we need too?  

  5. Cause a tax on a corporation amounts to a cost of living increase for all of us via raised prices

  6. that's not what he said! typical liberal hear what you want!

  7. You do not get it because you are drinking to much Koolaid. Peace

  8. Republicans aren't against taxing corporations, they are taxed. Republicans realize though that the higher the taxes the corps have to pay, the higher the price of the products and services they sell.

    It's elementary economics.

  9. Huh?  Republicans are for lower taxes all around.  They're for helping people to make it on their own, helping people to take responsibility for themselves while helping the most vulnerable.

    Plus, if you tax the corporations more and more and more, there are fewer jobs and more expensive products.  That wouldn't make sense.

    I mean, unless you're Obama.  Obama would tax corporations  until they don't want to be in America.  They'll move somewhere else and take the jobs with them.

    And who, exactly, will pay for Obama's programs - over $300 BILLION in new domestic programs and over $800 BILLION is what he has proposed (as starters) to solve poverty around the globe.  You can bet your boots EVERY American will be paying out the nose for that.

    Open borders and a welfare state = a recipe for disaster.  And that's part of Obama's plan.

  10. What makes you think that?  

    It was Bush, a Republican, that cut everyone's individual income taxes.

    What Thompson was making clear is that if you tax business, you are really only taxing the people, and harming the very organizations that provide the goods, services and jobs we all need.

  11. Republicans have historically been big-business oriented and therefore less inclined to take money from said corporations.

    My dad's fond of this saying: "If you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat." -Harry S. Truman  :)

  12. Let's say you own a hamburger stand. You need to make $300 a week for yourself to feed your family, pay your rent, and keep the lights turned on. On top of that, you have to pay the rent on the hamburger stand, you have to pay the power bill, you have to buy hamburger meat. You have to buy buns, pickles, onions and potatoes for the french fries. You have 4 employees you have to pay. You have it all worked out so in order to make all that, you have to charge $2 for each hamburger.  So let's say there's a mad cow outbreak and beef is scarce and cost more? You have to charge more. What happens if your electric bill goes up? Again, you charge more. We all get that. But what happens if they raise minimum wage? What happens if they raise your income taxes? What are you supposed to do now? A democrat will tell you these two expenses you are expected to just absorb. But we live in the real world. What happens? You charge more for your hamburgers.

    The bottom line is this: corporations don't pay taxes. They collect them from us when we buy their goods and services. They are just another business expense. Raise them high enough where they can't sell their goods and services at a competitive price, they either close down or leave town.

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