
Why are Republicans in favor of a failing economy and mortgage failures?

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Is it because they think they have enough money to see them through to the end of the recession? I know if you have enough money to invest in foreclosed home loans, you can turn a profit pretty quickly, but with Freddy and Fannie falling by the day, shouldn't we think about the long term?




  1. Republicans don't care about the little people, they never have.  I don't think fannie and freddie are going to fall though.

  2. Be reasonable.  They aren't.  

    Historically Republicans have been more about Free Market and that the market would resolves the excesses.  

    Historically, Democrats tend to think of the little guy, the oppressed, etc.  

    Keeping Fannie and Freddie solvent is important to both groups.  The groups fundamentally disagree on how to provide assistance to people who have been foreclosed on with Republicans advocating market resolution and Democrats suggesting legal intervention.  

    It is in no one's interest to have a failing economy and mortgage failures.  No one.  

    good luck!

  3. Republicans only care about the rich and inflicting their moral views on everyone.

  4. They keep referring to the free market system.  We are free to go under at any time.  It's the system!

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