
Why are Republicans more concerned with Gun Laws and Abortion Rights than the Economy and the War?

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Why are Republicans more concerned with Gun Laws and Abortion Rights than the Economy and the War?




  1. Because the war in Iraq and the economy are going along just fine.

    Because the Democrats want all babies aborted and shoot us with our own guns.

  2. We aren't. Liberals keep bringing up that Palin is against abortion, which re-started the old argument.  

  3. Because their leaders and leaders are concerned with doing what's right.

    Not holding to the status quo and what's popular..

    God bless !

  4. Because they don't want be proved wrong in thinking that the

    economy is bad.

  5. Why do liberals believe a man with little or no experience is qualified to be President but a woman with little or no experience isn't?

  6. It is for this reason  I think we should have an issues "test" before allowing people to vote.

    Angela D, 2 posts below has it exactly right.

  7. These are issues because they are rights oriented.  The economy is a concern for the right as well but what I find interesting that the economy is not broken.

    Gas is high = economics 101 - Stop buying it, the price will go down

    Food Prices = economics 101 - direct result of high gas

    Unemployment is lower than when Bill Clinton left office but took it with him.

    taxes are lower

    The stock market, although it has taken some hits, is still higher than it ever was in history .

    BTW, I am sure the housing crash will be cited here and that was nothing more than a bunch of Banks making bad business decisions.  Folks we live in a free market society, let the bad investment banks suffer the consequences of their decisions instead of immediately looking to bail them out.

    What about the economy is broken, exactly?

  8. They are the main war mongers, They don't want to do any thing about economy or progress of America.

  9. Because they don't know anything else.

  10. Abortions KILL 2 million unborn babies in the US every year.

    What can be more important than the lives of 2 million unborn babies ?

    Republicans do not have to worry about gun laws anymore,

    Not since the USSC finally issued their ruling,

    That the Constitution does in fact, guarantee the people the right to bear arms.

    A constitutional right , liberals have been trying to end for the last 30 years.

    What about the war ?

    As Bush said all along, we would start withdrawing our troops, when Iraq had the ability to fend for itself.

    Iraq is now taking over, more and more of the fight and control of different areas of iraq.

    So now we can start planning on the troop withdrawal.

    The Surge that Obama and Biden said had no chance of working,

    Worked just as it was planned, and now we can start withdrawing the troops next year.

    You have two views,

    McCain says the troops will stay as long as needed.

    Obama says, he will withdraw the troops, unless they are needed.

    Omaba now agrees with the McCain plan, 100%

  11. It's what the uneducated rural voters understand.  They couldn't win with just the "rich" vote....not enough to get elected.  So, they say they are "pro guns" to reach the rural hunters and scare them into thinking that the dems want to take their guns.   It's sad really.  Most of the people they court....are the ones that their legislation cares about the least.  Sad.

  12. This question is baseless.  

  13. It is all about PROFIT for them.

  14. Because the last 8 years has been a total failure and they have to run on something.  This is a lame election from a Republican point of view.  I support fiscal conservatism and social moderation.  The Republicans (my party) give me fiscal liberalism/suicide and Neanderthal social policy.  Wonderful!!!

  15. They aren't. You're just cherry picking a couple of issues that you disagree with them on.  This reveals your biases rather than theirs.

  16. Simple issues for simple people.

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