
Why are Republicans not talk about the Most Important Issue in America at the RNC? - The Economy?

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They'd rather throw mud than talk about doing the job we Americans need done. I've been extremely disappointed and it looks to me like they are just lookin to sh*t on the little/middle class guy.




  1. Thank you!! finally someone.

    Your right i think Palin missed a diamond of an opportunity to let the american people know what she can help do for this country,  Instead i heard her husband is a world class snow rider or something?? I don't care if he is the world champion hot dog eater, arghh.

    At least now we all know she can throw out an insult, that will help during her with foreign relations. god help us all.  

  2. The Democratic Congress ruined the economy.

    Take an economics class. It's not rocket science.

  3. It's one point when Sarah Palin was spewing lies about Obama raising taxes for everyone...they panned over to an old white lady wearing expensive clothes and a diamond/pearl earrings and she was nodding her head in agreement.  

    At first I laughed...but then I realized that to the people Sarah was directly talking to int he room (mostly rich ppl) she was speaking the truth.  The ppl who "suffer" the most under Obama's tax plan are the wealthy elite (boo freakin' hoo).  Obama is for the middle class.  Republicans are out to destroy it.

  4. Because they f***d it up.

    You don't seriously expect that they will talk about their own mistakes.

  5. Republicans have made it quite clear through Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II that they do not care at all about the national economy.  

    As long as their rich friends get to loot the treasury, then all of their political goals have been accomplished.

  6. Because Mccain just wants to live his dream of being the master behind a pointless war. He's obsessed with war and that's all he's interested in. He doesn't care about how it's going to affect the public. All he cares about is standing upto Russia and the Middle East.

  7. They can't. Their agenda is 4 more years of Bush's failed policies and they know it.

  8. how long will it take for obama to say he is biracial? that was important to me as a biracial person. he must be ashamed of his family! i would of voted for him but if someone is going to lie about something that little what else are they going to lie about. oh i know why because he loves throwing that race card...gee can't wait till he's president! if he doesn't win it will be because he was black, if they don't pass some bill it will be because he was black, yipee

    i don't want to hear its not about race because i hear about obama being african american everytime he opens hes mouth. you will all regret voting for him! this is coming from a half american american that is proud of both her white and black roots!

  9. McCain can't remember that much.

  10. McCain has a method of handling the economy.  It's just that he hasn't made it public yet.  He really should, though, if he wants to win the election.

  11. Well you havent given McCain his chance to speak tonight. Ask again tomorrow

  12. Since the major drag on the US economy is energy prices, I can only assume that if you haven't heard them talking about energy, then you simply haven't been listening.

  13. Republican socialism for big corporations is what their plan is.

  14. Watch tonight.

  15. Well, Cindy McCain wore her $3000 Oscar De La Renta dress and her 3 carat diamond earrings and pearl necklace valued at almost $200,000 to show her solidarity with struggling Americans who have lost their jobs and their homes.  Isn't that enough for you God hating liberals?  What are they supposed to do?  Wear sackcloth and ashes?  Communists like you make me sick.

    Good on you, GOP!!  

  16. they have NO real solutions so they have to stir up hatred and hope they can razzle dazzle their flock into focusing on that instead of focusing on the issues.  

    and based on the mindless comments i've been reading, it might just work.


  17. Do you even know how many days the RNC is slated for?  There is plenty of time to get to any and all major issues.  And it seems that many key items have been addressed already.

  18. What's the GOP supposed to talk about?  This?

    Tax Cuts:

    Economic Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001:

    Reduced lowest tax rate for 15% to 10%, and the highest from 39.6% to 35%. Obliterated a $230 BILLION surplus and created a $413 BILLION deficit. A study by the Tax Policy Center found that low- and middle-income Americans, the bottom 60% of Americans only recieved 13.7% of the tax cuts.

    No Child Left Behind:

    By the end of President Bush's first term, complaints about the administrations failure to fund the Act were shelling the White House.

    Kyoto Protocol

    Set requirements for 38 industrialized nations to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. Bush pulled out of the treaty.

    With the rejection of the protocol and the decision to withdraw from the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty, President Bush seemed to be leading the country on a road not traveled since after World War I, that of isolationism.

    Domestic Policies

    "This administration, in catering to industries that put America's health and natural heritage at risk, threatens to do more damage to our environmental protections than any other in U.S. history." - The National Resources Defense Council

    He accused Democrats of wanting to make Social Security a Federal program, even though it HAS been a federal program since it's inception under Roosevelt. (lol)

    I don't think I need to go into the War in Iraq.

    "George Bush dispenses with people who confront him with inconvenient facts. He truly believes he's on a mission from God. Absolute faith like that overwhelms a need for analysis. The whole thing about faith is to believe things for which there is no empirical evidence, but you can't run the world on faith." - Bruce Bartlett, domestic policy advisor to Ronald Reagan

    Speaking of Reagan, to be fair, Bush did reinstate one of Reagan's policies that stopped federal funds going to international organizations that advocated or paid for abortions.

  19. They did, over and over and over.  Low taxes.   The Democrat's tax increases is what will hurt the little guy.

  20. Because economic growth traditionally happens under Democratic Presidents.

  21. McCain has been talking about the economy...

    Obama is going to raise taxes for the middle classes (has recently changed his position to say that he'll lower them!!!)

    McCain is for Fiscal Restraint....Democrats want to make government grow bigger!!! pay more taxes!!!!

  22. I guess the elite educated democrats are not able to listen.

    They addressed Energy. The number one burden right now.

    Which would alone add jobs, make everything go down in price.

    They mentioned Obama tax plan, and national security.

  23. In McCain's own words lastnight..."This Campaign isn't about issues, it's about personalities."

  24. The president doesn't really have that much influence over the economy.  Everybody makes such a big issue out of it, but politics only plays a small role in the overall state of the economy.  The president either takes too much credit or receives too much blame for the state of the economy.  

  25. Because thats not a strong subject for them..They prefer to talk about war and how they can send more jobs overseas, and make the rich richer.

  26. Did you notice all the many FAT men and woman at the RNC holy cow there all fat. The GOP really does have a lot of PORK.... economy? what economy? Were is the KFC and McD's i'm hungry ..

  27. Exactly. Probably because McCain's ideas are the same as Bush's.

  28. They do. Many of the speakers at the RNC are successful CEO's of huge corporations talking about how great it is because they have a house next to each one of McCain's seven houses. According the rich white republican the economy is just dandy.

  29. They wanted to tell the people their plan on the last day so it would be fresh in the peoples mind. At the DNC they mentioned the issues in the first two days and in the last two they bashed McCain, so the insults are more memorable than the issues. It's called strategy.  

  30. Are you aware that two famous businesswomen (Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman) were speakers yesterday? And what do you think they discussed, the military?? Of course not, they were talking about the economy.

  31. They cannot win with the issues, they know they have a minority agenda when you sit the common American down and ask them what is important to them.

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