
Why are Republicans out of touch with reality?

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Democrats want to help the average working Americans, and Republicans want to help the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. WTF?

I am tired of you saying " make abortion illegal " GET OVER IT!!! It's a women right too choose.. FREEDOM OF CHOICE!!! End the Invasion in Iraq ( Bush should be in jail, and Chaney , Rove, Rice, Rumsfled, )




  1. Wow, what are you smoking?  You claim that Republicans are out of touch?  That is probably so, but I wouldn't say they were more out of touch than someone that actually thinks the Democrats are out to help the average American.  There's a saying that applies very well to this.  It involves a pot and a kettle.  Look it up.  

  2. Why are liberals out of touch with reality?

    In America, we work for a living. We don't get free handouts. Understood?

    You're right, it is a woman's right to choose. She CHOSE to have s*x. Liberals ask who gave Republicans the right to give someone the death penalty. I ask liberals, who gave you the right to kill an unborn baby?

  3. Facts? Typical liberal lies. Most republicans are Pro choice.

  4. You don't have a question, do you?  Here's your answer nevertheless.  Stealing from the rich and giving to the government doesn't help the poor.  It just takes away jobs, making more poor.  I don't personally believe in making abortion illegal per se, just against making it a constitutional right, which it isn't.  Take it out of the federal government's hands and make it a state issue like it should be.  And not even the Iraqi government wants the troops out immediately.  If troops were protecting you from a potential genocide, would you still be screaming at them to get out?  

  5. its sad and Mccain seems more in touch with his new hot running mate than he does the rest of us.  God help us all if he wins in November

  6. It's the kool-aid they must drink daily, it saps their brains of any independent thought.

  7. If you're looking for a handout then go to Europe and enjoy your life.

    You're right the people of this have become very fat and very lazy, but I don't think that entitles them to a free handout from my sweat and blood.

    Do you even have a clue as to why people are poor in the country with the most opportunity in the world and the most freedom.

    They have either made bad decisions(that's called irresponsibility) like getting pregnant when you're 15yrs old - that's why God made birth control  OR  people are just too lazy to work( wow! you didn't see that one coming did you)

    We can help the poor through better education, training,etc - but free money handouts will never get them off the street and productive.

    Why should my money be forcable taken away given to a lazy person that couldn't care less about his life, when I could better use that money for my son and daughter?

  8. It's a womans right to choose to do what?  Finish your sentence and be honest and you will gain some respect.

    You support the right of a woman to murder her innocent, unborn human baby.  There, it's out.  You support the cold blooded murder of a baby.  Nice going.  Be proud.

  9. Look, nobody is helping the poor by giving them token amounts of money stolen from working people in the form of taxes. You have to work at bettering yourself. Some people are governed by the choices they make. Help me help me is screamed far to often. There are programs already in place to help those whom help themselves.Rich people did not get that way by waiting on the Gov to take care of them.

    Abortion is murder. You can try to justify it all you want but, the fact is the same. MURDER

  10. this song is dedicated to all liberal and democrats

  11. "Democrats want to help the average working Americans, and Republicans want to help the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. WTF?"

    Not only is that your opinion, but you are incredibly wrong. Which, in fact, makes you out of touch with reality.

  12. Weapon X  answers "we work for a living, we don't take handouts".

    I was wondering then if you took the rebate check that George Bush

    gave you ????

  13. Out of touch? You bet. These are the "clingers" that Obama was talking about. And the sad part is that they think their (R) pick will do anything about abortion. They won't. They want that issue tangling out there like a carrot to a horse

  14. because your reality isnt the reality that normal working americans have

    for the TEN BILLIONTH TIME LIBERAL....newsflash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AS NO PRESIDENTIAL CRIMES WERE COMMITTED THERE IS NO REASON FOR OUR PRESIDENT TO BE IN JAIL.  as for iraq, its either there or here for al qaeda...DEAL WITH IT...and as for your  ..."help" of the average working american...draconian taxation and failed welfare or social transfer payment schemes are of no useful help.  getting out of the way and allowing WORKING americans to manage the free market is.

    as your premise is obviously a fanciful one, your question has no answer.

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