
Why are Republicans smearing through racism???

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Why else would they keep calling Obama 'Hussein'??? What is wrong with that name? Stupid racists don't notice it was guys called John and George (McBush) that killed innocents and started wars




  1. because that is his name why is he ashamed of using it? and the only

    campaign that has used race in this barak hussein obama.

  2. Wasn't Barack's name Barry before he changed it. Any idea why he thought Barack was a better name.  

  3. You are incorrect in your assumption.  "Barack Hussein Obama II" is his name.

  4. Another question: Why are people so blind to the fact that Hussein Obama is a member of a church that regularly preaches racist and hate-filled messages. Then only tried to distance himself from that church when it got too hot for him. You do NOT attend a church for 21 years if you do not believe what it teaches !!

  5. Its not his name so much as the way people go out of their way to equate his middle name with terrorism.  

  6. Obama's own VP pick seems to have a vein of racism, read the third paragraph:

    I fail to see how using someone's name is "racist".  You guys are overusing that word to the point where it is losing it's meaning.

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