
Why are Republicans so angry?

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On YA specially many people who claim to be Republican and Mccain supporter tend to answer in a very angry manner as if they want to hurt someone badly

I don't see that with non republican mccain supporters

Why ?




  1. Because we're bombarded with the liberal main stream media every day.  If Democrats had to be exposed to conservative media every day, they'd be angry too.

  2. It's self-righteous indignation. It's a trait of the ultra-conservative.

  3. Are you on  the same website as I am? Holy c**p! The vicious, vile and disgusting things said here are predominantly Democrat leaning!

  4. I`m not angry, love ya

  5. I'd be angry, too, if my only hope for a Republican President was McCain.

  6. Republicans have to be more defensive at this point in history because everyone is so ANTI-BUSH and that translates into ANTI-Republican.  

  7. Those who can't think, fight or get angry and make up names for their opponents. Yeah, I know that cuts both ways, but I see more people bashing liberals / democrats on this site and in the real world.  

  8. you dont see that with non republican mccain supporters?

    then you are poor reader.

  9. it's a side effect of being kicked in the head by john mccain.

  10. first off they are republicans ( prowar ) and they belive in fighting and power so its on logical that thier suportters will be to.

  11. I think it's because we are truly frustrated with the way liberals and many democrats want to resort to Socialism and Marxist philosophies to implement and administer programs that a) the government shouldn't be running and b) that many Americans do not understand the implications that that could have.

  12. Well to me it looked like the Democrats are the angry ones...4 days of trashing the country at the Dem convention.

  13. They are angry because they cannot fight Obama when it comes to the issues. All they can is that our country is running perfectly and they are much better off than they were before. Why? Because the rich always get richer during times of crisis for the middle class. They are also angry because the Dems have an inspiring candidate who is bringing Hope and solid ideas to make our country better. He is extremely charasmatic and has show overseas to be a great leader. What do the Republicans have? An old man and now a moose hunter. hahahaha  

  14. I'm a Democrat and I am mad as he-double hockey sticks! I want my nation to be strong again, and it will be with the leadership of Obama's administration.

  15. Marina's right, plz go look into the Yahoo answers more. There are angry ppl on both sides...

  16. Hemorrhoids.....Cha!  

  17. Did you read Rove's book about accusing the opposition of what you are guilty of? Angry? Y'all should know about that...

  18. you don't? i guess you didn't see the democratic supporters spraying bleach all over the republican deligates going into the building this morning? get real. democratic supporters are going all over our town taking down mccain signs and tearing them up, we don't do that to their signs. look up how many arrests have been made at this convention versus the protestors at the dnc. not even close.

  19. I know what you mean ....I accidently went in a republican chat room where they can talk on the mics and stuff and they were all saying really racist stuff....I was like, dont see democrats forming these little cults and S**t!  It was like listening to a present-day Klans meeting ....

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