
Why are Republicans two sided with the "sink or swim" rule?

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public welfare - no // corporate welfare - yes ?




  1. yea...i'll never understand that one either...

    that's just more trickle down theory at work.

    For example...instead of bailing out consumers who were screwed over by the lending industry (thanks to Republican deregulation), they would rather bailout the predatory lenders/banks who screwed them.

    How this is supposed to "help" the economy...I don't see the logic there... It certainly doesn't teach anyone a lesson or encourage consumer protection.

    Fannie Mae, Freddi Mac, Bear Sterns....  and more to come.

    The Republican mindset seems to be ..."blame consumers", who they say bought homes they couldn't afford....  But at the same time, the lenders were telling them that they could afford it, and skewing the numbers to get the signature.

    When you buy a car, and you finance that car.... especially if used...  the banks typically will not allow you to overextend yourself...   but when we're talking about a House, which is considered a lifelong commitment, they tend to loosen their lending practices because people will do almost anything to keep their homes whether they can truly afford it or not.

    You take someone who has been turned down for a standard fixed rate loan,...and you fill their head with verbal promises...and you tell them....we can make your dream come true... they are already sold.

    Deregulation caused this mess...

    Thanks Republicans.

  2. They want us to think that corporate welfare will trickle down to us all.  It trickles to stock holders and management.  I am not either.

  3. I agree that corporate welfare is just as bad as public welfare.  The simple truth is that if corporations were not bailed out by the federal government, that would only increase public welfare.  Job loss and tax revenue loss hurt everybody in a trickle down effect.  As far as the bailout of the mortgage companies.  If that did not happen,  no mortgage lender would survive the crunch, and no mortgage lender would dare lend money to anybody who was not rich enough to buy their home outright.  Nobody would own a home and there would no place to rent because the apartments would have no owners either.  Public housing would increase and abandoned buildings would pop up every where.  Welcome to overcrowded European style dorm living.

  4. Democrats are the same.

    Welfare yes help Buisness make jobs no.

    Abortions yes Deathpenelty no

    How many poor people have you worked for?

  5. Could be that their Unions are Fat Democrat controlled Unions,

    Whose pension funds are heavy into oil and oil futures

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