
Why are Republicans typically seen as the "racist" party?

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Why are Republicans typically seen as the "racist" party?




  1. they were against civil rights and women voting

  2. They are viewed that way by black people who were brain washed many years ago by Democrats who convinced them that Republicans hated poor people.

    Actually it was Democrats who made life miserable for blacks throughout most of U.S. history, with their K.K.K. and yearly lynchings, and blocking blacks from schools ,restaurants, buses,and voting booths.

    Democrats did very little for black people until Lyndon B. Johnson pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was passed by 80% of the Republican Congressmen and only 65% of the Democrats.

  3. because we oppose enslaving minorities through govt. dependence like welfare food stamps hud etc. How many welfare families are better off now then 50 years ago when welfare first started? We would rather lower taxes create jobs and allow them to succeed based on their efforts not the size of their handout! Please dont say bush killed jobs the unemployment rate is within 1% of what it was during any year Clinton was in office.  

  4. a lot of republican leaning states still have confederate flags on their cars and houses

  5. Because we've been TOO WEAK to fight back against the NONSENSE spouted off by the juvenile Democrats.

    Democrats have taken credit for "Civil Rights" for decades when it was the REPUBLICAN party that fought and forced-through legislation that gave blacks Civil Rights.  

    Just like Newt Gingrich fought and pushed "welfare reform" and the "balanced budget"..... and Bill Clinton takes credit for them.

  6. Dems are racist.  To them Republicans who are minorities are Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas.

  7. They aren't. You have been mislead.

  8. Simple, Republicans are more racist as a percentage of population than any other political party.  Fact.

  9. repubs overwhelmingly voted against mlk day.........nough said!

  10. Probably be cause the base of the party the southern white male stood for slavery, stood against allowing blacks to vote, stood against allowing women to vote, stood against desegregation, etc.

  11. They are typically rich, white men.

    How many minorities do you know that are Republicans?

  12. The media has a massive effect on schools, and the general public at large. They will lie and distort without any fact finding at all. To them republicans are the bad guys and democrats are the good guys. With enough pounding of the public will, there message slowly sinks in.

    Thank God for people like Rush, Beck, and Carr.

  13. I don't know why since Democrats use the race card all the time. They have the media on their side so they can say whatever they want and not get scrutinized.  

  14. Just read some of the questions and answers on here, and it will be obvious.

  15. This is a ridiculous question. If you repeat a lie often enough, some room temperature IQ types will beleive it.  

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