
Why are Rugby fans so obsessed with...?

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calling American football a "pansy game?" They seem to go into the American Football section in groups. Are Rugby fans in general really that obsessed with us? Do most Rugny fans really feel that being critical of our sport in some way makes theirs seem better? Or are these "fans" merely an example of the probably very small portin of Rugby fans who are just complete idiots?

Hoping to hear from some intelligent Rugby fans - I know you're out there.




  1. it is just some idiots doing that sort of stuff... i love and play rugby (im kiwi!!) but i dont hold anything against american football... american football has some fans who criticise rugby, dont they?? same thing... all those idiots who cannot respect other sports are doing that sort of stuff...

  2. I'm certainly not a big fan of American football, but that's really just because I've grown up loving rugby, so I don't hold it against you lot. I also think calling American football a pansy game is a bit bizarre as it is a pretty intense contact sport like rugby so... go figure?

    Unfortunately, as in any group, there are some incredibly arrogant and generally nasty rugby supporters around, and they tend to be the loudest as well. Please don't assume that we all share their views.

  3. I consider myself an intelligent Rugby fan, so here goes - the main reason that American Football is called "pansy" because they wear so much padding while Rugby guys don't. And I guess because down here in NZ people are so passionate about their Rugby that they consider it the best sport and so bag all other sports that don't seem as "hard". Hope that makes sense.

  4. no sorry were not obsessed with that circus you people call american football and stop being anal and trying to psycho analyze people who enjoy watching a vastly superior sport

    american football is for nancy boys

  5. Seriously guys, let's not be bashing the Americans or the Brits or anything. I'm American but I have lived in South Africa for several years, so I'm obligated to support both.

    When I go back to the US, I actually get more c**p about playing rugby than I do for playing American Football when I'm over seas, just to let you know. Personally I like Rugby better, but thats just an opinion, and American football is still a great game.

  6. Well the americans are so cocky, i think some people might think that if they critisize their sport first rugby won't be attacked.

    Do you get what i mean? American's always think the way they do it is better, which can be annoying.

    Aswell as that, rugbymen have barely any protection, but american footballers have big helmets and huge pads and everything (one explanation for the word *pansy*).

    Another is the *original* sport,  and loads of people always root for the first, unchanged sport, thinking it's better because it's the real deal.

    And, as in any game, fans want to be the best, and if running down the oposition is what they have to do to be superior, it's what they'll do. This is unfortunate, and not good sportsmanship at all, but it's the same all sports, and i'm sure american football fans insult rugby aswell. It's what they think is part of the fun (i think it's pathetic, but hey, i can't exactly change the world can i?).

    I have nothing against american football, this was just the possible answers i was able to come up with.

  7. because football is considered worldwide as the toughest game but they wear loads of pads and most feel rugby is tougher, i guarantee this is why it is

  8. i play both and i'm from

    mostly i see football fans doing i saw a ? on here like why do rugby players where condoms in the ruck? and like it said because your g*y

    honestly rugbys just a more fun game if your into hitting and such and most football players wont give it a chance.

  9. I have been guilty of such statements in the past.

    If they truely offend someone I apologise. No harm or insult is truly intended. They are games. We are fans.

    It is the nature of fans to see only the good in their own team (and game) and to run down the opposition. It's what we do. It's part of the fun. We expect it in return.

    Having said all that, actually we don't really think of American Football that much although we do like it especially around playoffs time.

  10. It's the same reason that American Football fans must rip on rugby and call rugby players pansies.  Deep down we have some form of respect but we'd rather not show it and try and prove the others sport is completely inadequate compared to the other.

    Personally I've played both sports and even though I live in the states I've grown to love rugby a lot more than "gridiron".  It has to be the after game atmosphere, you leave all the bad blood on the pitch and then go out and have a good time with the opposing squad regardless if one of those guys happened to throw a punch in a ruck or not.

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