
Why are Russia and Georgia fighting each other and how does that impact the United States?

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Why is McCain saying that we support Georgia? Do you think we will send troops to help?




  1. McCain and west in general supports Georgia because of their pro western orientation. Another and perhaps more important reason is that nobody wants watch Russia rebuild their empire. Especially their neighbors.

    As for the Georgians killing Russian citizens, well why did Russia first armed separatists in S.O. and then gave them passports let alone supporting them financially all the time?

    Very obviously this citizen protection is total BS and Russia wouldn't invade any any NATO or EU member, but then again Russia wouldn't be supplying arms o separatists in those countries either. They do it just because they're stronger and they can do it. That's all.

    Russia protecting someone? The only thing they protect is their own interests in the region.

    Russia did burn down all of Chechnya when they declared independence, now when exactly same type autonomy tries to break out from Georgia they have to "defend" them because they're so pro freedom...

    Either way what is Russian military doing all over Georgia? That is, what are they doing besides looting...

    Update, especially for Vadim - HRW (Human Rights Watch) announced that numbers of casualties given by Russian and Ossetian media are grossly inflated. According to HRW (whom I trust a lot more than Russians) Tskhinvali hospital treated 273 wounded and received 44 dead INCLUDING military. 44 including military!

    Russia has been controlling the city 5+ days by now right?

    Where is a single photo of thousands of dead laying on the streets?

    Where are the photos of "totally devastated" Tskhinvali?

    Why ONLY Russians are allowed in that region to investigate claims of genocide? May be because Russians are the ones needing that the most to justify their actions?

    Do you really believe that Russians are incompetent enough not to be able to show thousands of dead on video and photos for 5 days?

    Or that HRW would somehow miss thousands of dead bodies on the streets? As HWR representative reported NO ONE in Tskhinvali has ever seen those thousands of dead on the streets with their own eyes. Every single person questioned regarding those alleged dead openly said that  that's what they've heard, not actually seen.

    So, what now, retreating Georgian troops abandoned tanks, but picked up the dead?

  2. 2) No. Unless Russia would try to annex Georgia, however, that is very unlikely.

    1) Georgia has given Russia a long awaited excuse for invasion. This was due to warmongering stupidity of Georgian president, who tried to take back rebel province of Osetia, that had defacto independence since 1992. Though georgians say, osetians have provoked them.

    There were russian peace-keepers in osetia since 1992, as Russia was mediator. Saakashvili says Russia was in fact supporting Osetia. Btw they have given ossetians their passports and russian citizenship.

    In the night of olympics opening georgians have bombarded city of Tskhinvaly without any special warning. It is Saakashvili, not osetian provokers who have choosen olympics as cover.

    And bombing was overwhelming. Taking into account weapons, and I think it was 'Grads' or some other missile launchers, georgians intended to kill as many osetians, not just take the city. Grads are not good against armour and strongpoints. These rockets are very inaccurate but effective against infantry. On detonation warheads provide rain of deadly splinters.

    I'd say Saakashvili is one who used disproportionate force to respond small arms fire.

    McCain supports Georgia because he is very good in blaming Russia. It is his great chance to beat Obama.

  3. Georgians kill ~1600 peace citizens in South Ossetia. Most of them had Russian passports.

    After that Russians have right to stop the man (Saakashvilli) who ordered to kill this people.

    What will US do with country, which kills 2000 US citizens in one night?

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