
Why are Scientists Looking to use Wind Energy instead of Water Energy?

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  1. Because even tho there is more water on earth the water is found in certain areas like the Ocean, etc.

        However, the wind is everywhere,over land and water and thus more readil available

  2. Scientist are exploring all types of energy options.

    There is a big push for wave nergy right now.

    Traditional water energy, from dams, has many social and environmental issues, such as habitat destruction, blocking salmon runs etc. And we have dammed just about all the rivers we can.

    Wind energy seems less intrusive. Unless you are a bird...

  3. Wind is in abundant supply and can be accessed virtually anywhere in the world.

    Water - that is, usable water - is getting in shorter and shorter supply. 96% of the world's water is found in the oceans and is highly saline (salty).

    Ground water, fresh water lakes, and rivers account for another 3.5% approx. Ultimately 99.5% of all the water on earth is not easily available for human and animal consumption.

    The World Health Organization (info on their website) sees a coming crisis in the world's access to usable, drinkable, potable water. It is one of the greatest needs currently for third world nations... and then there's all that watering of golf course greens... (I digress... I love golf - it's a guilty pleasure as an environmentalist!)

    So - even though there are about 6.1 Billion people on the planet (and growing) - there are already over 1 Billion without access to potable water meaning dealing with diarrhea, schistosomiasis, or trachoma, or infestation with ascaris, guinea worm, or hookworm... all associated with poor drinking water and inadequate sanitation.

    Wind power is the cleanest energy to produce and the only quibble some may have is the death of birds from the windmills - BUT - there are far more deaths in one country from powerlines than there would be if the whole world full of the wind turbines required.

    See below for an AMAZING, comprehensive study as to why Wind turbines are best and Ethanol is worse than the gasoline of today. I am now a Wind-Energy convert and have ditched my prior long-standing preference for Ethanol and bio-diesel fuels. I hope this study gets the attention it deserves because Ethanol will be a bigger air polluter than gasoline.

    Again, wind turbines = the cleanest energy possible without the misperceived fears that nuclear energy can convey.

  4. the ways are already past the scientist and   isnow in the hands of the consumers,

    both types of   energy and more ,are exploited when possible

    however alternative energies do nor recieve as much attention as they should ,because the elites who own petroleum are still making money with petrol

    and we have electricity by burning oil or coal

    when that runs out

    the focus will shift to alternative energgies ,and there are many ,solar power (electric or heat)wind power (for dynamos or pumps or mills)the movement of the tides pendulums for electricity

    the water flows ,rivers cannals waterfalls etc for water wheells (mills)or turbines (electricity)

    there has been a hydrogen engine arround for almost a hundred years ,invented by Rudloph Steiner ,he was assasinated for his genius ,because nobody wanted a car that could run on water when Petrol was just taking off

    but this engine is readty and waiting for the right time

    when is the right time ????

    ,when oil runs out,and when these powerfull illuminati have figured out a way to charge us for the Sun and the air and the Water

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