
Why are Scorpio gals so mean to Leo gals?

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I'm a Leo and every female Scorpio i've met has tried to bully and control me! Are they being jealous or do they feel threatened or something?




  1. Maybe you are just weak and they see that....I'm a Scorpio female and I get along well with Leo females

  2. This is really interesting as I've had similar experiences. I don't know, but I have really wondered whether it is because scorpio can be v serious whereas leo seems to have this natural joy. Maybe it bugs them, that we're happy and they want some natural inner-fun stuff??

    Hang out with positive friends. Sure it's human nature to have challenges within every relationship but, overall it has to feel good and positive.

  3. ok, lil gal, you and your other fellow scorpio bashers are generalising signs, as you might not know, there is more to the sun sign, the whole population of th earth is not divided by 12! amybe ther is something in her chart that clashes with yours, alot of squares in her chart indicate negativity within herself . . . not just because you are a leo and she is a scorpio, i have alot of leo friends that i get along with fine, because my chart meshes nicely with theirs . . . your question should have been why is this scorpio girl mean to me? i did this and she did that . . . not why are scorpio girls mean to leos, hello im a scorpio and i am not mean to leos,  i am mean to individuals . . . my best friend is a leo, we have never ever had a disagreement . . . i feel as my mind is connected to hers . . . so what you didnt get aklong with her . . . find someone else who appreciates you . . .

    oh and your examples of celebrities is very very immature .. . each celebrity has their own individual chart, amdonna has some virgo in her chart, she has virgo ascendant, making her appear like a virgo!, lisa kudrow, matt le blanc, have things in their chart that maks them different, no 2 people fom the same sign are the same!

    next time, ask a question that doesnt generalise the whole of mankind!

  4. Im a scorpio. And I think its because Scorpio's and Leo's are total opposites. And you can't really say overall they are jealous of you because you might of done something or you intiminate her. I have a Leo friend and we get along perfectly its just she can be self-centered and uncaring and scorpio's aren't self-center and they are emotional.

    But she probably feel's treathened and intiminated. Leos and Scorp's usally get along pretty well untill Scorps find a way to dislike you.

  5. Who knows i think it is probs just a coincidence about the star signs....

  6. I'm a Scorpio girl and one of my best friends is a Leo girl too!

  7. OK,I don't mean to sound like a jerk but Scorpios HATE vanity.And Leo's tend to be quite vain and sort of full of themselves so you irritate Scorpios..

  8. they are maybe jealous, i hve a scorpio 'friend' and shes truly hipocrite with me  .... i founded her talking about me behind my back and i have been nice to her, i mean she had no reason to do that, they are just insecure i dont like her way  just dont allow them to bully you    

  9. I think its just the people you've met. I'm a leo and get along great with my scorpio friend. I need an audience and she's a willing one. She teaches me spanish and I make her laugh. It's all about compromise.

    I don't p**s her off purposely and same goes for her.


    Awww, don't worry. If they aren't not nice to you that's her problem. There's like 6 billion people more in the world. And I wasn't really looking for a friendship, she was just there an we had the same views. We were in the same class for 3 years and i barely spoke to her up until last year when we were partnered for something.

    But again don't feel sad, friends come when you're not looking for them. Just be yourself. Its better to have enemies that don't like the real you, than friends your fake around. (Sounds weird, I know =])

    Good luck anyway x*x

  10. I'm a scorpio, but I've never been jealous of a Leo. I envy and am jealous of people I find a threat, but I don't treat them bad, I just don't talk to them. I'm generally jealous of someone everyone thinks is amazing and just the nicest funniest smartest overall "great people in the world". Just being honest.

    I was saying I've never been jealous of a Leo, but I tend to be jealous of people who have these certain traits. I wasn't saying a leo didn't have those traits. People on YA are so sensitive.

  11. They (subconsciously) feel inscure

  12. scorpios r just mean.


  13. first i see u have lived up to your promise!! thnx!! :0))

    Scorpio women (and men)are born that way- they cant be happy unless they're the best. they feel totally threatened. thats why its so difficult to be friends with them.

    they belittle you in their own subtle subtle ways so you wont realize that they are messing with your confidence.

  14. Jealousy is a disease,same here.


    Hahaha!I also thought it was weird that Leonardo DiCaprio was a Scorpio!I was like,he is a Scorpio that has Leo in his name :DD

    Also,Peter O'Toole is,Ben Affleck,Casey Affleck and Louis De Funes and a bunch more.

    Scorpios are known for being jealous and obsessive...

    You should start giving them a piece of your mind,and not let them even THINK they can control you.

  15. No it's you--you try to run over people like a typical leo and you have to be in the spot light and you're always right (at least thats what you think). Some Leos can be GAC (good and crazy)!  

    I'm a Libra btw

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