
Why are Scotlands beaches so dirty?

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We have a relativly low density population outside the central belt so how can there be so much polution??

BBC news story about the beaches:




  1. people are a bunch of littering A**holes and dont care about the trash cans provided and not to mention all the c**p that comes form people dumping in the sea

  2. because you havent invested in your sewage infrastructure, in SW England we pay bills of over £900.00 a year so that tourists dont have to bathe in S****y seawater, it has cost almost a billion pounds over a decade!

  3. i am from scotland, and the beaches are clean and free fromoil slicks, never had any problem going for a swim, and we could not keep the kids out of the water

  4. I'm British, and on one of the scottish beaches there was a nuclear fall-out MANY years ago!!! Animals have been killed etc...

    On COAST, British TV Program


  5. To a point, a small populatiion is the problem...

    Sewage treatment plants benefit from economies of scale... building one for each isolated village is relatively expensive, and hasn't carried priority for funding.

    As was pointed out, a separate problem around the country  last year was the exceptional rainfall, causing an unusual level of pollution from farmland run-off.

  6. because a lot of sewage outflows go straight into the sea,espec round here(firth of forth)also detruis carried by ships,oil etc all contribute,and people who dont give a d**n and drop stuff in sea,litter etc,i live in a seaside town and the amount of rubbish,dog **** etc is disgusting,some stuff is carried in by tide and stuff from idustrial plants etc also contribute to the filth!

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