
Why are Serbs burning the U.S. Embassy?

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Why are Serbs burning the U.S. Embassy?




  1. Because when kosova declared its independence- which pissed off serbia- USA recognised kosova as a state- which pissed off serbia more. so when people all over the world get pissed off, they try to make problems like burning embassies.

  2. Haven't you heard? We're evil,etc.etc. blah blah blah.  

    Down with the West!

  3. I'll tell you why. Kosovo is a very important part of Serbia and it is an important part of our history. There is a lot of our monasteries and churchs in Kosovo, but US just can't understand that fact. US encourage and recognized Kosovo independence. That's just not right. They want to provocate Russia and Serbia is the victim.

    P:S: Citi boy you're not funny at all, it's a real problem not some joke!!!

  4. Because they're pissed that we're recognizing that Kosovo has seceeded (sp?).

  5. because they want cruise missiles raining down on them.

  6. because americans agreed to give away the homeland and very important part of serbija

  7. They got mad because they think US encorage and recognized Kosovo independence.

    The larger picture is to circle wagon in that part of the world agsinst Russia.

  8. If china encouraged florida to declare independence from the US how would you feel .

  9. Because the Bush administration endorsed the secession of Kosovo from Serbia. Is this right? I don't know, what I do know is....

    The Serbs have a lot of history in the area that comprises Kosovo, and don't take kindly to the USA and certain western European countries saying " go ahead Kosovo, do whatever the heck you want".

  10. bcause they are all unemployed an a KGB officer gave them all $1 each ( 2000 serbian roubles) to protest out side the embassy a massive crowd gathers the KGB offer threw a petrol bomb at the embassy and then everyone joined in

    Mission- Increase anti American sentimnet

    Cost- $2000

    Mission passed world wide media attention

    well donee KGB

  11. Somebody tried to shoot "Goliath" of the Royal Serbian Air Force  and the metal head showed when the flesh fell off.  He was so embarrassed that he didn't eat any dog meat that night.

  12. Watch the News

  13. Because they Lost!! Kosova!!   To bad LOL!!!!

    That's want kind of people they are they don't care who they hurt!

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