
Why are Spaniards so racist?

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During the world cup match against france many spaniards made racist chants at the african players on the french team. Many moroccans are discriminated against in Spain. Even those arabs that were born and raised in Spain are not considered "real" spaniards because of their moroccan roots. Why are spaniards so racist?




  1. Many Spaniards like other "whites" think that they are the superior race. Probably because they had power and were conquerors before.  They made colonies of a lot of countries, where they were the masters and the natives were their slaves.

  2. How would you like it if you were a spaniard and beacuse some politician said its ok for foreginers to move to Spain and now all you see is Northern Africans not contributing, not assimilating , and speaking their own language on your motherland taking over.

    There is a difference between being racist and being proud of Spanish culture, history and having a love for your people.

  3. Hey don't put us all in the same pack! of course there are racists here and specially in football matches, but these are a minority and most of us don't have any problems with other people!

  4. Go to England and you will see the same reaction from whites when they see colored people.

    Watch an American show and you will hear all this snide remarks about Asians and/or black people.

    Listen to the Koreans insult the Japanese.

    And what about all these anti-arabs sentiments?

    It's not just happening in Spain.

  5. I'm of Chinese descent and been to Spain twice. In the two times I was there, I've heard the Spaniards often cracking jokes related to me being chinese. I don't know exactly what was being said but the word Chino was often exchanged amongst them, and there would be laughter or snickering related to what was just said. Sometimes, you don't need to understand a language to know what is being said.

  6. I live in Spain and my wife is black, we have not experienced any racism here, we suffered far more in her home country of Kenya. Sorry, but I think football simply brings out the worst in people.

  7. I live in Spain. There is racism here just like in anywhere else and despite not being white, I feel fine living here. Spaniards are too proud of their own country and I'm sick of it. What can I do? I'm living in their country.

  8. Most Spaniards are proud!

    Due to their long colonization history and the political recent history, Spaniards where not educated to avoid racism! Of course this is only for a few! Most Spaniards are open minded and nice people!

  9. Well if you read the news you would know that everyday stranded boats full of about 50 africans each arrive to the Canary Islands everyday. There are loads of illigal African immigrams in Spain and are becomeing  too many of them. The Spanish have never really got on well with Morrocans because they come to Spain and try and take over. The Red Cross spend all their money on medication on them because they come in really bad conditions, money that should be for local people who pay taxes. Fair enougth we should help them but they're making it a problem in Spain because they all come here and don't go anywhere else.

  10. Johncharles,

    You bring up a great argument. Sounds very similar to the current immigration debate in the US. This seems to be the same sentiment among Americans, and not just White Americans":

    "...If you were a Spaniard and because some politician said its ok for foreigners to move to Spain and now all you see is Northern Africans not contributing, not assimilating , and speaking their own language on your motherland taking over."....

    So does that make all Americans who feel that way racist...? That would be a huge blanket accusation.

    And coming from a black American who's lived in Spain and is going back to live there this fall, Spain is no more racist than any other [western] country. I've never received any negative reactions/treatment, but that is just my experience. I don't know where you are from, but there are places in the US that are a whole lot worse than anywhere in Spain, so don't let one apple(experience) spoil the whole bunch (all Spaniards).

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