
Why are TV evangelists pretty much only an American phenomenon?

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Is there a reason why they don't seem to appear in other English speaking countries?




  1. Americans invented the psychological religious scam. Nobody is better at exploiting fertile ground for money through the medium of television - the multitudes of the  deluded, the gullible, the desperate, and the very stupid. That would be about 65% or better of the American Christian population ripe for the taking.

  2. Gullible audience?


  3. They have them here, Kenneth Copeland ministries is located in Bath, pretty sure Jesse Duplantis is as well.

    Although in America, they're normally on channels, 5 and 11 for free,  you can get them on Sky over here, not on regular telly.

  4. Well, as has already been mentioned, as a group, Americans are lazy, so TV over leaving the house is appealing to them, and the US, since it, unfortunately, has the highest rate of believers in superstitious nonsense, is thus the major *market* for this kind of sales activity.

    "Show me the money!" Jerry McGuire.  

  5. Because people like to think that sitting and watching TV will allow them to be one with God. And if only they bought the holy water for 19.95 they will be free from problems. It is very sad. Very sad.

  6. Opportunity.

    More mutual acceptance.

    There will always be more nuts visible in a more free society.

  7. Because people outside the USA are sufficiently well educated as to realise that God is MADE UP!

  8. Other countries have better written fraud laws.

  9. Because americans are stupid enough to believe it.  America has turned into a culture (if that is the proper word to use) of people who only believe what is on the TV.  They get their spiritual guidance from TV, they get their beliefs in right and wrong from the TV, they get their education from the TV, and all of it is bull.  History Channel?  Doesn't show accurate history.  Discovery Channel? Turned into reality TV.  There almost an equal amount of commercial time versus the actual show now, on TV.  People believe everything they see or hear, without doing any research, or HEAVEN FORBID, THINKING of their OWN.  America has become fat and lazy, and needs everything to be handed to it on a platter.

    Boxes of kitty litter that changes itself, machines that clean your own bathtub for you, robot vacuum cleaners, automatic can openers, there is something to make ANYTHING easier, if it doesn't do it for you outright.

  10. We're the only ones gullible enough to listen to them...

  11. Do you mean American as in US? Because I live in Guatemala and there are a LOT of TV evangelists here too.

  12. Money,just money my son.

  13. They are politically sponsored...  Americans are extremely gullible people...

  14. they are every where not just america

  15. Some countries protect their citizens better and have prosecuted some of these con-men for practicing medicine without a license.

    In America [only in America] has religion turned into a bloody circus with clowns, tricks, stunts and acrobats. The way these preachers can twist facts, distort the Bible, and make moutains out of molehills takes real talent.

  16. We have the God Channel etc here in England, but it's mainly American footage to be fair.

    England is more of a secular country that America, there's probably less call for/enthusiasm for it, and therefore less commercial value.

  17. Lousy education, the USA is not exactly known for it's intellectual debate.

  18. America is a highly capitalist country. There is a market for nearly anything in it. Where there is untapped resource for cash, America makes one. Christianity was never meant to be used for capitalism.

  19. It goes back to Rome of the 4th century when Christianity was made legal by emperor Constantine. Christianity then went to different places after Rome fell, two of them being Germany and England, where Luther had a revelation of saved by grace, right then the printing press was invented also, then in 1620, Christianity came to America and the rest is history with Christianity used to build nations to using God to make money to make your self rich.

    In other words, follow the money  backwards and you will get to Rome.

    And America is (as Daniel the prophet said) the revived Roman empire.

    Christianity also went to Spain where it is changed to Catholicism.

    It is a long interesting story.

  20. America has a problem with religious nut jobs called fundamentalists.  They are largely uneducated and highly susceptible to empty promises by greedy people who only seek their money.

  21. dunno, but, i think evangelicalism is also (mostly) an American thing

  22. Its probably just because america is more of a TV culture than many other cultures.  

  23. Americans as a people tend to be lazy, why go to church when you can sit on your butt.

  24. Because it's a business. Where else in the world can you get a tax break have your own TV show and make money at the same time. America. We donate to anything. God bless you.

  25. America is liek a giant shopping mall. Everybody is trying to sell you their ****, everywhere you look theres stores and food, super fat people are abundant, teenagers run wild, TV is like a kid with severe ADHD, the news media is all opinion and theres this guy behind it all with a giant microphone, tellign you the stores' closing in 5 minutes cause "terrorists" have entered the building.

  26. The need to belong may be instinctual. Desperation to do so may be found in weak individuals....who seek faith, which they may see as a form of club...therefore it is a saleable commodity....hence the massive number of evangelists, in many countries, who seem to wish to use these weaknesses for financial gain....dispicable.  

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