
Why are Teenagers harder to find and to Adopt?

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I need information for a research paper.

What race is most likely adopted?

What Age?

What Gender?




  1. They are not harder to find it is that noone wants to adopt them because of their age.

    If you want proof then check out and see how many are waiting for new homes

  2. 1)White


    3) don't know the answer...

    check out this site, it should help  you look in their statistics section :)

    teens aren't harder to FIND to adopt, nobody wants to adopt teens. there are over 100,000 foster youth available for adoption which ranges in ages and isn't all teens, but isn't newborns as well. Foster children get left behind while newborns are surrendered and often don't have to be, but the "demand" is for newborns, not for "teens." nobody wants the older ones.

  3. theNot to discriminate, but all the adoption brochures I've came across are full of Caucasian babies. I'm not experienced in this field so I can't give you a legitimate answer, but this is sort of a stereotype to me.

  4. Social workers are more likely to discourage their makes no sense I know....but it is true.

    Also often times these teenagers have been in the system so long they no longer open themselves up to be adopted because they are so afraid of rejection. Most children that age out of foster care have had a total placement of seven or more over the years....Can you imagine being shifted around to seven different families. You get so tired of depending on anyone who can just send you away you just learned to depend only on yourself.

  5. Anyone can be adopted, but most homeless teens don't look for parents. You could adopt a thirty five year old if you wanted to (as long as you're over eighteen).

  6. As an academic, I assure you that getting random answers from  an internet survey is NOT the way to establish credibility in your research or reliability.

    As to your pseudo-question - We adopted a girl from Colombia who was 13 at the time and I guess she is mostly South American Indian with a splash of Spanish and maybe some African ancestry and since the western hemisphere was settled mostly from the land bridge from Siberia I guess there is some east Asian and we all came from the same monkey anyway, so who cares.

  7. With the increasing number of international adoptions, race is pretty much wide open.  Most people seeking to adopt do not have a race preference.  The adage "Waiting to adopt your healthy, white baby" is old and passe.  Look around at all the diverse families!  For international adoptions, China is still at the top (last I heard) with Russia, Guatamala (sp) and Ethiopia also being very popular.  So, there's Asian, Caucasian and African.  

    Age: I think the biggest bracket is probably newborn to todder, but again,more and more adoptions are happening at older ages as well.  

    Gender: US infant adoptions do not generally allow for a gender preference because the birthfamilies tend to choose the adoptive families.  Overseas adoptions do allow for a gender choice and girls are adopted more often than boys.  Lots of theories about why this is the case.  Could be wanting a biological son to "carry on the family name".  Or it could be that the majority of international adoptions happen from China, where virtually all the children available for adoption are girls.

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