
Why are The Jonas Brothers so famous?

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I mean seriously I like some of their songs and Nick is hot, ok but seriously they do not deserve all the attention they get Oh and comparing them to The Beatles that should be a crime.






  2. Because little girls find effeminate guys with no musical talent attractive, apparently.  Personally I prefer MEN.  

  3. I fcking hate them!!!!!! Their music is so annoying!!!!

    ohh to answer your question, little girls love them!!

  4. Well, I love them and I still wouldn't compare them even close to the Beatles.  That's overkill.  But the reason that they are famous is definitely partly because of Disney..  but I personally think that they do have talent.  Maybe not any extreme amounts of talent, but at least they play their own instruments.  And they are hot!  

  5. Theres only one reason......D I S N E Y  

  6. because,they are three hot boys,who can sing,and dance.well almost everyone thinks they can.but them comparing them to the beatles,is just wrong.yea okay i wasnt born during then,but they have some good music,plus they shouldnt be compared to the jonas brothers.they were better,then the jonas brothers.

    truth be told,i dont know why they are famous,only think i know,they better be greatful,cause i dont think its gonna last long.also one dated miley cyrus,that helpd.also thank DISNEY.

    o and comparing to the beatles,i think it should be a crime too.

    i mean come on yea some if their music,was good,but their music is getting kinda, truth,i have no idea why they are famous.also the beatles vs.jonas brother,,umm i chose the beatles/.

    also im 14,and well im not that in to them,they are okay,that its.

  7. Um, they play instruments? Seriously, being compared to the beatles...that's just murder. Perhaps, they can be compared to love almost anything right? So it's understandable they are famous.

  8. omj, im sick of typing the same stuff over n over, just go search jonas brothers on wikipedia n theyll u know. =] they are auh-mazing!

  9. omg don't even lump those losers in with the beatles!

  10. Disney and overrated.But I like them though : )

  11. Disney made them what they are now.

  12. because one of them dated hannah montanna that helped

  13. Well, they were always with Disney since the beginning. So I don't think that's the reason. But I do believe the got WAY more popular when they did that tour with Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. And then Nick dated her, so they got more popular. And then Disney started paying more attention. That's what I think.

    I'm a JB fan also, and don't like the fact that they are are always compared to the Beatles. Like listening to their new album, they are still trying to find their sound. So maybe in a few more years, when they actually know what kind of music they like to play (sound wise) maybe then they could be compared to bands like The Beatles, but not yet. They're good, but not that good. And they still have the pop-rock sound that is slowly transforming into the alternative rock. Which I like better.

  14. cause there awesome

  15. because they are a "combo meal"

    good looking

    great performers

    not sure about the voice

    they work hard to achieve their current status


  16. Teens and tweens, particularly girls, love 'cute' boy bands. It's just a fact.

    The fact that Disney really is pushing them to become as big as Hannah Montana also helps.

    It's like an imaginary Maths formula- Attractive teen boys + pop music + Disney = success, fame, money and fangirls.

  17. 1) people think they are super super hot

    2) people think their song rules

    basically this 2 reasons. these form the craziness.

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