
Why are UFO photo's always blurry ?

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Ok I understand that photo's taken of a small object a long distance away won't be clear, but even when they show close up pictures of near sightings they always seem to blur them out, is that to hide the strings ?




  1. coz their fake

  2. So you can't tell it's been photoshopped.

  3. Im pretty sure that UFO's do not exist, why would they even come near us. when they have the whole universe to go to.. ¬_¬... im sure there are much more intelligent Races out there than here on the Earth where everyone bums for money, and fights over money.

  4. Cause they're fake.

  5. no sometimes it is fake sometimes the camera is not good sometimes the weather not favorable

  6. With Photoshop it is easy to erase any suspension aids. The real reason is that UFOs travel at such lightning speeds that a camera cannot 'Freeze' them quickly enough. Oops, there goes another one. Darn, missed it.

  7. A bit of poor focus, camera shake or motion blur really does help hide the strings or the fact that the UFO is a dolled up Frisbee, saucepan lid or old car hubcap.  It also helps to have photos taken at night by an unknown photographer at an unknown date and a poorly defined location,negatives not available if it was a film camera.   Get my drift?

  8. Here is a list of possible reasons why UFO pictures are always blurry.

    Excited handshake,

    Forgot to set the camera correctly for the conditions,

    Not very good at using computer art packages,

    Fogged the lens in cold outdoor conditions,  

    Short-sighted and believe that we all see things this way?

    However, perhaps the aliens are using a macro-quantum drive and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle forbids us from fixing both their position and momentum exactly!

  9. actually no, they're not always blurry... look up a documentary called 'secret space' it opens showing diffrent pictures of ufos over the years... a good number of them were caught in high detail....

    if it was flying when caught that could be the entire reason ti's blurry...

    err, what i mean to say is, if it was flying at high speeds when the picture was taken, that would be why it's blurry....

  10. Shawn P is right, they're not always blurry. Besides, photos are far too easy to fake nowadays, there are much more intriguing images of UFOs record on video. Although not impossible to fake, they are easier to scrutinise.

    I saw a documentary called 'Out of the Blue' that featured video footage of a distinct, metallic, disc-shaped craft hovering over an MOD communications mast. It was very clear. The film was analysed by a special effects expert and he could not find any trickery involved.

  11. If the objects were clear, you would be able to tell exactly what has been photographed and would realise that you were being fooled.

    I personally think the UFO theory is quite impossible.

    Don't forget that a lot of people have made vast fortunes out of this theory, without ever proving a thing !

  12. In fairness it could be that the photographer doesn't know how much longer the UFO will be there so they rush the picture and don't change the focus settings, or are shaking with fear/excitement.

    The pictures that show UFO's in the background which arn't seen until they download the pictures of whatever are fuzzy because they are not the object of the picture and therefore they are not meant to be in focus.

  13. You'de be shaking too if you saw one. I did in 1979 while stationed at a military base in England. Hundreds of others saw it too. I didn't have my camera with me at the time, but those that DID, managed to snap a few pics. many of them were blurry. Many were published in the newspaper the following day. I know what I saw, and it was NOT a plane or jet aircraft, or balloon, or a kite. I was that damned black triangluar type of craft. Hundreds of other people saw it the following days over Europe. It was also tracked on radar by other aircraft and a military base. It streaked away at amazing speeds when approached by fighter jets.

    This same craft was also spotted over Indiana in the early 1990's. Several police officers witnessed it and "chased it" through several counties. The photos that the police officers took with a poloroid camera were also shaky and blurry.

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