
Why are We Divided, Making it easy for the Kafir to Divide & Rule?

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Surah Al-Rum (30:32):

"Those who split up their Religion, and become Sects, each sect exulting in its tenets."

Surah Al-Nisa (4:115):

"He that disobeys the Apostle (Muhammad) after guidance has been made clear to him and follows a way other than that of the believers, We appoint for him that unto which he himself hath turned, and expose him unto h**l - a hapless journey's end!"

Surah Al-An'am (6:153):

"This is My Straight path, so follow it. Follow not other ways, lest ye be parted from His way. This has he ordained for you, that ye may ward off (evil)."

"He who separates from the main body (of the Ummah) by even a hand's breadth from the Community he throws off Islam from his neck."

(Mishkat-ul-Masabih, 1/185 & Sunan Abu Dawood, 3/4740)

Why are Shia insulting Sunni's and vice versa, on YA especially, the differences are minor, should we not stand together?




  1. Well, I don't know of what "kaffirs" you speak of but the reason we have sects and denominations is because Muslims have different interpretation of things such as the Qu'ran. Prophet Muhammad himself said that their well be a 72, and from that only one well be the true followers of Islam.

    Muslims are to blame for their own problems, we are quick to call other kaffirs but we as Muslims do things which disgrace the good name of our religion and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)

    When you point a finger at someone, remember, there are three fingers pointing back at you!

  2. I agree. If you ask some people here they'll tell u that zionists are better than shia/sunni.

    u tell me, how are they suppose to stand together...

    its disgusting if u ask me. cuz without being divided we could have ruled again

    also thats the point of OIC i think... its so we don't divide


    edit @ proud shia gal: He didn't ask about are beliefs. We can each believe our own things and stand united. can't u fight along a sunni, without talking about who's religion?

  3. well why are not believing in the event of Ghadeer and making yourselves even more vulnerable for an attack from outside, particularly our enemies?

  4. I see that becuase of EGO,nothing more.all answers which are going to come here other than ego is blah blah blah.

    your sunnah is bid'ah,my sunnah the real sunnah.

  5. Christians have a lot of different denominations.

    There are some Major differences amongst them also.

    Bottom line though, between Islam and followers of Christ;

    Jesus(swt) "Never" sinned or had blood on His(swt) hands.

    Muhammed at 54 years of age had sexual relations with a 9 year old little girl. (Child Molester)! Muhammed was involved in the beheading (genocide) of 900 Jews.


    Tabari VIII:35/Ishaq:464 "The Jews were made to come down, and Allah's Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out into the marketplace of Medina (it is still its marketplace today), and he had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800 to 900 boys and men."

    Tabari VIII:40 "The Messenger of God commanded that furrows should be dug in the ground for the Qurayza. Then he sat down. Ali and Zubayr began cutting off their heads in his presence."


  6. Sheesh you're paranoid about a war that doesn't exist except in your own mind.

    If shias and sunnis want to kill each other that's their business. Just don't bring the rest of the world into it, and stop blaming outsiders for your own religiously-motivated violent thoughts and actions.

  7. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said :

    " There will be 73 sects of Islam.............and from that 73 sects only followers 1 sect will go to Jannah " .

    Follow the Holy Quran,Sunnah and Hadiths.

    Bida'h (Innovation in Islam) will lead you to h**l !!!!!!!!

    Follow Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Only !!!!!!!!!!

  8. this is Allah's will, let me explain a point:

    Muhammad (saw) predicted that Islam would divide into 73 groups, all of which in h**l, except one and they are the "Jamaa'ah". Nowadays, they are called أهل السنة والجماعة. This group does what our Prophet did, and follow what he ordered and keep away from things that he forbid, and of course following what Allah said and try all our best to help others to get to the right path.

    this doesn't mean that 72 are going to h**l, does not mean that they will never leave it and go to Heaven. If a person has more sins that good ones, then he/she would be thrown in h**l, until his/her sins are erased... and then he/she would enter the Heaven that Allah promised.

  9. Shaykh Muhammad bin Saaleh al-'Uthaymeen, the Faqeeh of this Era, was asked:

    من المعلوم أن الشيعة والمرجئة هؤلاء كلهم يختلفون مع أهل السنة والجماعة اختلافاً عظيماً وهناك قاعدة بعض العلماء يسميها القاعدة الذهبية يُعين بعضنا بعضاً فيما اتفقنا ويعذر بعضنا بعضاً فيما اختلفنا . فكيف نعذر الشيعة هؤلاء ؟؟

    فأجاب رحمه الله: " هذه القاعدة الذهبية ليست قاعدة ذهبية، ولا يستحق أن تكون قاعدة، فما اتفقنا فيه فهو من نعمة الله عزّ وجل، والاتفاق خير من الاختلاف، وما اختلفنا فيه فقد يُعذر فيه المخالف، وقد لا يُعذر؛ فإذا كان الاختلاف في أمر يسوغ فيه الاختلاف؛ فهذا لابأس به، وما زال الأئمة يختلفون؛ فالإمام أحمد والشافعي ومالك وأبوحنيفة كلهم يختلفون .

    وأما إذا كان الاختلاف لايُعذر فيه كالاختلاف في العقائد؛ فإنه لايعذر بعضنا بعضًا، بل الواجب الرجوع إلى مادلّ عليه الكتاب والسنّة، فعلى المرجئة وعلى الشيعة وعلى كل مبتدع أن يرجع إلى الكتاب والسنّة، ولايُعذَر؛ فهذه القاعدة ما هي قاعدة ذهبية، ولعلّك تسميها قاعدة خشبية "

    ((It is known that the Shee'ah and the Murji'ah all greatly differ with Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. There is a principle that some of the scholars have called 'The golden principle': "We work together in that which we agree and excuse each other in what we differ with". So how do we excuse the Shee'ah?

    So the Shaykh answered:

    This golden principle is not a golden principle. And it is not correct to be a golden principle. As for that which we agree upon, then it is a blessing from Allaah, The Most Majestic and Most High. And the agreement is better than the disagreement, and whoever differs then we pardon the one who differs, however we do not excuse, if the differing is in a matter which differing is allowed, for this there is no problem in this. And the Aa'imah (the major scholars) have differed, For Imaam Ahmad, ash-Shaafi'ee, Maalik and Aboo Haneefah, all of them differed.

    However the differing that is not excused, like the differing in 'Aqeedah (creed), we do not excuse each other. Rather the obligation is to return to the proofs in the Book and the Sunnah. So it is upon the Murji'ah and upon the Shee'ah and upon every innovator to return back to the Book and the Sunnah and they are not excused. And this principle is not a golden principle, and you should call it the wooden principle.))

    (Open Session with the Shaykh. no. 75 in the beginning part (22 minutes in the session)

    This is why Muslims need to stop talking, sit down under the Ulemaa and start studying their deen.

    contemplate over this narration of our Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) which is reported by Imaam al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh Imaam Muslim in his Saheeh (2/Number 1370):

    فمن أحدث فيها حدثا أو آوى محدثا فعليه لعنة الله والملائكة والناس أجمعين

    ((Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind.))

    Amazing how the youth here on Yahoo Answers keep pushing to unite with the Innovators but Sufyaan bin ‘Uyaynah said to a man:

    مِنْ أَيْنَ جِئْتَ قَالَ: مِنْ جَنَازَةِ فُلَانِ بْنِ فُلَانٍ قَالَ: لَا حَدَّثْتُكَ بِحَدِيثٍ اِسْتَغْفِرْ اَللَّهَ وَلَا تَعُدْ, نَظَرْتُ إِلَى رَجُلٍ يُبْغِضُ أَصْحَابَ رَسُولِ اَللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَاتَّبَعْتُ جِنَازَتَهُ.

    ((“From where did you come?” He said: “From the funeral of so-and-so son of so-and-so” He said: “I will not narrate to you with Hadeeth, I seek forgiveness of Allaah! You looked to a man who hated the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and you then followed his funeral.))

    Imaam al-Laalikaa’ee reported in his Sharh Usool al-I’tiqaad (139) that Ibraaheem al-Maysarah said:

    ومن وقر صاحب بدعة فقد أعان على هدم الإسلام

    ((Who ever honors the innovator then he has aided in the destruction of Islaam))

  10. The difference is not minor,its enormous.

    We don't consider Shia as Muslims.

  11. Because in the long history of mankind, people who wish to remain stuck in the 9th century, allow oppressive rulers who give them what they want.

    Most of Africa, most of the Arab world, Burma, etc.  Just ask yourself: what do these places provide others wish to buy???

    Rugs made by 9 year olds?? You think that lifts a nation out of poverty??

    Let's see, last time I looked, Mercedes and Honda were going to build plants in Yemen.  Yeah...right...

  12. Coz there r to many hypocrites amongst Muslims who feel happy seeing us divide & celebrate while we fight. It is their sign as mentioned in Surat Al Baqarah that when they r with us they agree with us & when they r with the disbelievers they say we were just joking or moking. They 4 get Allah is watching everything & they fool no one but them selves. May Allah protect & guide us all & save us from the conspiricies of The monafiqeen.

  13. And those to whom the Book was given did not become divided until after clear evidence had come to them. (98:4)

    O ye who believe! avoid much suspicion; for suspicion in some cases is a sin. And spy not on one another, neither back-bite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Certainly, you would loath it. And fear Allah, surely, Allah is oft-Returning with compassion and is Merciful. (49:12)

    Those who believe and do good deeds - The Gracious God will create deep love for them. (19:96)

  14. well abu bakr and umar created the division.

    so this is the consiquence,

    shiisim was always the straight path

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