
Why are Y/A conservatives having a cow about Liberals attacking Palin?

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When they've been so tolerant and supportive of comments like these?

Ann Coulter referiing to the 9/11 widows

I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much. She also advocated poisoning a Supreme court Justice

Rush Limbaugh

OK, lets see the White House dog" and they put a picture of Chelsea up (who was about 12 at the time).

Michael Savage

You know what autism is? I'll tell you what autism is In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. That's what autism is."

Sean Hannity

Is it that you hate this president or that you hate America?

Glenn Beck

'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies

Laura Ingraham

“true Americans are, white, southern, Christian, and Republican

Bill Oreilly on Shawn Hornbeck the child held captive by a molestor

The situation here for this kid looks to me to be a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents. He didn't have to go to school. He could run around and do whatever he wanted."

Yeah see when you allow your spokes people to make these comments and not only don't castigate them but buy their d**n books in droves to show your support you can expect like back so really

To Bad what goes around comes around




  1. Palin is fair game her children nor Obams children aren't. Obama was born of a teenage mother too, least ye forget, no ones having a cow tho to answer your question

  2. You have a distinct talent for taking things out of context, comrade.

    Liberals attack, Conservatives defend.  


  3. If you feel like attacking a 17 year old girl, please by all means suit yourself. It's not going to help you however. McCain picked and average American as his VP and it is killing the left. This situation happens more and more, and we Americans have to deal with it. When you bash this girl, just remember you are bashing many Americans at the same time. I hope your message gets out.

  4. Unfortunately, the n**i's will defend any Republican no matter what. If Palin comes out today and says she supports child rape, then all of the neo-con-n**i's will start down playing child abuse and rape.These people have no class and should deported from our great country. They servce no benefit to society.

  5. you are intellectually dishonest. that is not a smear, that is a fact. another fact you mention a bunch of commentators, they are paid to say outrageous things , though most of them are fair most of the time, unlike your michael moore, who makes up the most outlandish things. i would stop calling people idiots until you find, buy, or steal a clue.  

  6. But none of the people you mentioned are minor children. Are you saying you don't agree with Obama about families of politicians being off limits? Wow, that's interesting...attack her on the issues and that's fine, but to use her daughter for whatever political points you think you can get is classless and people see right through it.

    Oh I just now noticed you are a troll. And your talking points are a joke as well as what little brain you have,,, go straighten out your own country.

  7. what call me bwana doesn't understand is that the tactics of savage, rush, and coulter are exactly the character-smearing that he is so upset about. if anything the issues discussed with palin relate to her record - she changed her mind about the bridge, they admittedly has little foreign policy knowledge, she most likely abused her power with troopergate, and the list goes on and on.

    and while i do feel bad for her daughter, the situation does shed light on the hypocrisy of the "family values" crew arguing that abstinence only education is effective at combating teen pregnancy and if YA is any indication, has started a renewed national dialogue on the neglected topic of teen pregnancy, abstinence-only education, and access to birth control. these are not minor issues and reflect the disastrous policy implications of christian conservative ideology.

  8. Just good old con hypocrisy.  

  9. They are "having a cow" because they are completely unaccustomed to their own tactics coming back to bite them in the as$.

  10. Only 3 year-olds point at the bad behavior of others to justify their own bad behavior.

  11. I'm not. I expected Liberals to try and attack Sarah Palin. If it was Barack's daughter, Liberals would be praising him for allowing his daughter to abort her baby, since Barack thinks his daughters would be punished with a baby.

    Palin's family has held to her standards of abortion being wrong. Her daughter is keeping the baby, and taking responsibility for her actions when she had unprotected s*x. Nothing is wrong with taking responsibility for your actions. She should be praised for raising her daughter to know it.

  12. You have cited entertainers and pundits.  Republicans are well know for allowing them to do the dirty work.

    As as far as Palin goes, she was the one who said yes to  McCain, and McCain thought it would all go away by election day,  Palin obviously trumps Hillary when it comes to ambition.  Palin put her desires before helping her daughter to cope, and knew she'd be opening her daughter up to attacks.

    Palin has said that shes proud of her daughters decision to have the baby, and that's nice considering Palin wants to make abortion illegal for all of us, but, I wonder if Palin would still have supported her daughter if that hadn't been her daughters choice?

    Conservatives want to convey the idea that Democrats are licentious, and immoral.  Oddly we are not, we are just not judgmental when it comes to human nature.

    But when it comes to inhuman nature, like sacrificing your daughter to your ambition,  then we do judge.

  13. it is endlessly amusing to listen to republicans react with their phony outrage that they've perfected to the world that they created in the 90's when they senselessly prosecuted clinton for lying about a legal dalliance with a consentual woman who was of legal age.

  14. If you want to attack Palin on her record, based on facts, go for it.

    If you're only going to smear her with attacks on her family, then you're nothing but a gutter-swimmer.

  15. I am a Democrat and I have been accused of being unpatriotic even though I served in Vietnam as a Marine. Republicans have tried to run on God,  Guns and g**s. There are g*y Republicans and Godless Republican gurus like Karl Rove( Who admitted he is an atheist), and Lord knows how many Americans have died because of their opposition to sensible gun control laws. When you posture yourself as holier than thou, then you should be ready for the criticism that ensues. Rush Limbaugh is a strong supporter of family values, but he has been divorced three times, has no children and has been addicted to prescription drugs. Republicans savaged Chelsea Clinton for her appearance when she was only 12. What  comes around goes around.

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