
Why are a lot of guys so concerned with the size of their p***s and girls, their b*****s?

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I've really never cared and never will care. Also, I could care less what size a guy's p***s is, seriously. Don't people realize that people with a mind and with class don't care what size of those things they have and will want to date them based on other things? Why are guys and girls so interested in impressing the jerks/shallow people of the opposite s*x by worrying about these things? wtf?




  1. I could care less about how big a girls b***s are as long as they're there. People are stuck on the idea of bigger being better.

  2. some girls do it to get attention same with some guys,, coz lets face it some people r SHHHAAAAALLLOOOWWW as anythiingg. Some think that girls r objects of affection and nothing else and vice versa- some people r seriously like.. gah.


  3. We can't help it.

  4. It stems to p**n. people think that because those people are huge they need to be. In reality the p**n people are the freaks that are abnormal.

  5. well my sister is harsh about chest size. she tells me all time that hers are bigger. it makes me feel crappy so i want mine to be bigger... its pretty simple but i guess if you arent in the position, its hard to understand, i get what you mean :]

  6. Ummm because..

    Ohh thats not a good enough explanation well put it this way since we  were dirty human ape things millions of years ago it has been customary to pick the dominate male by the size of their Billy club.  Man ape things used their billy club to get food and beat up other man ape things with small billy clubs.  Now in whatever century this is we no longer need to beat wholly mammoths to death with a club made from a broken tree branch so we replaced it with something similar in shape.  Thats why we compare its the only cave man gens we have left.  LOLLOOL

    Ohh and the guys that said the stuff about size not mattering well they have small billy clubs.


    Sorry just being a jackA$$

  7. Because both are an indication of high levels of various s*x hormones - specificially some forms of testosterone (oestradiol being the main form of testosterone found in women).  More testosterone in men (and more oestradiol in women) means greater fertility.  There's nothing shallow in being as efficient as possible; and ultimately s*x and dating are about reproduction.

  8. unfortunately, those shallow things are what attracts the opposite s*x. if u think bout it, its all an evolutionary thing. the bigger somethin is, the more likely theyll be chosen for mating

  9. Because they have alot of empty space- between their ears. :)

  10. We grow up thinking the bigger the p***s the more we can satisfy a chick

    When we read and watch p**n (which is alot) we see these guys who are hung like a horse and think thats what a normal size p***s is and think something is wrong with us for not having a "normal size" one ()even though the guys in most p**n are chosen for the big size of their p***s not what is concerned normal size  

  11. Its not the size that really matters, but It can be too small. I haven't heard of one being too big except for John Holmes, and he was supposed to be as big as a horse. That is too big. We obsess over things because other people obsess over them.And a girls b***s, well a nice stack is attractive, but when women got older and they hang down to their belly button, that is a bit too big. They should be functional to feed a baby, and be a handy s*x toy, But a gallon on boob is more than I would want to handle, and must be uncomfortable to the woman.

  12. "Don't people realize that people with a mind and with class don't care"

    ^ That is why. Because people with a mind and class make up like %16 of the population.

    As for why girls and guys are so interested in impressing the jerks/jerkettes; oh I don't know, probably the whole alpha-male/female thing. We aren't all that sentient.

    A female friend in anthropology was going on about something with girls with curvier hips and bigger b*****s being more fertile. (I can only assume the same logic applies to the male side of this story, but I don't actually know) And passing on your genes is like the main motivation we have (subconciously) fact it's the only one. Depressing.

  13. Well pardon me however now that you've asked, what's infinitely more important is why you are the only person here who can refer to the p***s & b*****s correctly & accurately in lieu of employing ludicrous slang terms..  

  14. Thank God it is not the other way round

  15. there's psychological and evolutionary aspects behind this but i'd really rather not go into that right now. i'm a bit tired.

  16. Because we guys always want to beat the competition. And we also hear that most girls like men with large penises. So basically it's about the pleasure the man gives to his partner.

    Women are concerned about their b*****s because it's about their beauty and how attractive they are.

  17. I agree with you.  It sucks cuz I have had friendships ruined because one of my friends couldn't put her jealousy aside.  I have large b***s and she was flat chested.  I didn't and still don't understand why she was jealous.  I also don't care how big a guy is.  I focus more on the personality rather than the physique.  I think this goes back to the theory of survival of the fittest, but instead of that it is survival of the biggest.  

  18. honestly, i have never met anyone who impressed people just by "worrying" about their p***s or their b*****s. i don't worry about my b***s, cause they suit me. my friend worries about her b***s, because they're almost double D's!

  19. I agree with you. But it seems to be human nature that people are worried about things like this. Guys are because they don't realize that you can still please your woman with a smaller p***s. p***s=Pride in a guys world. And p***s = b***s to women. Because guys are generally shallow, girls may think that they need to have huge b***s to please their man.

  20. yes!!

  21. Probably for the same reason that a peacock has a big tail, he thinks that he needs it to attract a mate.....but then aren't we supposed to be a little more advanced?

  22. A lot of guys like larger b*****s and some girls like larger penises.  That freaks most people...girls worry "are my b***s big enough?"  And guys worry "is my p***s big enough?"  So if you muzzle a few, you can stop the breast and p***s mania!  

    Small b*****s are s**y. A large brain is even sexier.      

  23. i don't care about girls b*****s at all...

    in fact i like smaller ones o_-

    for me im okay with my size o_o

  24. It's more of social thing.

    Plus, there's a myth that a guy smaller can't please a woman, which is crazy in my opinion.  

  25. Antonym and Physiology (A&P), Biology, etc.etc.

    For example if ones p***s is not long enough and the sperm are not good swimmers they will not make it all the way to the egg. So procreation will not occur and the human race will not continue. That is really the driving force behind the s*x drive. The continuation of the human species!!!

    Also, if it didn't feel good then we wouldn't do it!

    That part is very basic (A&P 101)

    Breast-- well I don't think many men like to play with anything flaccid (flat or lifeless).  Just think about it basketball aren't flat etc. Same goes for the p***s... ;-)



  26. I blame the patriarchy.  

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