
Why are a lot of teenagers in a rush to have s*x nowadays?

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i mean i'm a teenager, but i don't wanna have s*x anytime soon, but i hear about so many teenage pregnancies... why are so many teens wanting to have s*x?




  1. It has a lot to do with peer pressure and the media.  The media isn't doing much to help the situation. They glamorize celebrities getting pregnant. Girls look up to these people so they want to be just like them. Girls don't understand that celebrities have money to hire Nanny's. Wait to have s*x because it's not all that it's cracked up to be. Besides there are too many people out there who don't know they have HIV or any other std.

  2. 1.hormones

    2."it's cool"

    3.girl-mature guy-manly

    4. curiosity

    those are my top 4

    I'm waiting till after colledge

  3. Well see like I am a pregnant teenager, I mean if I could take back having s*x I would do it in a heart beat. But It wasn't couriosity, or hormones or anything like that for me..I guess I just didn't want to have my bf break up with me...I only did it once but to all of you teenagers that thinks it makes you grown up or cool it doesn't...I realize that now, and it is best to wait..

  4. Because they're curious

  5. They want to be cool. or the pressure of their 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' to do it. And like you not every teenager wants to have s*x its just being cool, pressure, and curiosity that dirves them to s*x.  

  6. Teenagers were, are and always will be in a rush to have s*x. Hormones are to blame.

    If you or anyone you know has been having s*x, encourage them to go to Planned Parenthood to get a check up and learn about contraception. That's part of the responsiblity of having s*x - using protection and getting regular check ups.

  7. so people like you can ask questions  

  8. I was in no rush at all, i was under no pressure and i didn't do it because i was curious or because it was 'something new' in fact i hardly ever thought about it and then i met someone i was with for two years, and we both 'lost' (I don't like to say lost, because i didn't lose it - i gave it to someone who deserved it) our virginities to each other, it was safe, was not a mistake and i don't regret it at all. I didn't do it because other people were, and when people asked me if i was a virgin when i was, i'd say yes. I was never embarrassed of it. I simply had s*x with my boyfriend because i felt ready, and it was the right choice it meant a lot to us both. I hear so much about teenage pregnancy as well, however those are the ones who are incapable of having safe s*x and are obviously too immature. I would never ever have unprotected s*x, and if any 'accidents' happened i had a back up plan, i looked into EVERYTHING before hand.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, some of us are more then capable of having s*x for the correct reasons, some of us have the right maturity level and some of us can manage to use contraception. Just because we are not virgins doesn't mean we sleep around, i have enough respect for myself to not do that. Although he is now my ex boyfriend, he is the only one I've ever slept with and intend to keep it that way for a long while. Those teenagers who cannot spell contraception yet alone use it, should not be having s*x they clearly don't understand the reporcussions of it. It's not a game, you either use protection or don't have s*x. I don't think "the hormones" is an excuse either, you can control your actions and control your behaviour.

    By the way, where i live (The UK) s*x is legal at 16 and i am 16. Hopefully that changed some peoples perceptions on teenagers having s*x.

  9. its mix some are ready to have s*x ( in love and junk) they are under educate, peer pressure, because parents just said no and not give a reason.

    their are so many reason i go with parent being whips and not talking to kids about s*x and explaining the good, bad, and ugly about s*x.

    I'm 18 virgin and god d**n proud of it. I'm waiting until i can afford birth control and have my own place


  11. im 14 and i have s*x because its fun not that love c**p yall be talkin bout i aint lookin 4 love i mean d**n im only 14 i just wanna have a good time i know the consequences and blah blah blah but idc because im always protected so wateva s*x is juss a great experience

  12. curiosity.  

  13. It's a personal choice for everyone. Just like you don't want to have s*x, others do. Just because society views your choice as the right one, doesn't mean the other one is wrong. The issue of deciding to have s*x isn't what should be debated. Safety and wise personal choices should be.

  14. Society isn't as Conservative as it once was, s*x is everywhere now, throw in raging hormones and peer pressure and you've got yourself a curious teen.  

  15. There are many reason pressure, hormones, curiosity, even love I got pregnant when I was 17 and he was the first guy for me and it wasnt an accident. Know im about to graduate from college with my masters degree in phycology. I guess its mostly pressure though.

  16. i think its because for girls it makes them feel better about themselves that people want to do it with them. and for guys its to show that they are manly. im a teen and im waiting till marraige and im fine with that

  17. raging hormones

  18. they just want to try something new

  19. They think they are grown up, when really they haven't a clue which is why u get so many teenage pregnancies. I find it sad, they are missing out on so much other stuff by trying to rush into adulthood.

  20. This isn't a "new" phenomina. Everyone loves to believe the next generation is so much more trouble then theirs was. Its not true. People have been having s*x at very young ages for the entire history of the human race.  Its our societies mixed with how much longer people live in modern times that make it more "taboo".

    Its a documented fact that the average human discovers that touching their sexual organs feels good long before they're even out of diapers. Teenage pregnancies are not higher than anytime before despite what many seem to believe and love to skew the numbers to. People where just a lot more secretive. Take their child out of school and not tell a soul that it happened. Then arrange the wedding, rush through it and claim it happened in wedlock. Married young, child young. Not uncommon in anyway.

    I had s*x at 14. I know many who've had s*x before, at the age, and after that age. There are actually a lot of studies out there that are pointing to quite a bit of mental dysfuntion, specifically in relationships, in people who wait until their 20's and later. Nothing like psychosis or anything extreme, but they tend to have a more difficult time dealing with other people and develop antisocial behaviors. These studies are showing pretty strong results but they are just studies at the moment.

  21. Curiosity

    Teenage pregnancies are expected, seeing as some teens are pretty reckless about what they do.

    Areas that don't get a proper health education on like, contraceptives and how to deal with pregnancy, I believe their teen s*x/pregnancy rates are higher, because the teens don't know the outcomes and they want to experiment.

  22. This is actually an issue being discussed in regards to the media. Teens are becoming more and more sexualized by not only the media, but the clothing industry as well. Bratz, an over-sexualized so-called "children's" toy, has replaced Barbie.

    Movies that have sexual content are more likely to receive a harsher rating than movies that have violence, interestingly.

    Being sexually active is also a lot easier than actually having to come up with a personality or think about lame things like your future. In a way, it's just an extension of people's laziness and relationship fears.  

  23. Cause they want to be growed up

    Seriously, people need to watch the Secret Life of an American Teenager.

  24. curiosity

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