
Why are a woman's nipples considered "bad"?

by Guest45463  |  earlier

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I was just thinking recently about how woman's nipples are shown, it's inappropriate. It is OK for a woman to walk around with the top or sides of her b*****s showing (some consider it a bit too much, but it's not something to cause an uproar) yet if her nipples were showing it would be an offense!

Yet.. the only thing men have ARE nipples, and it's accepted for them to walk around with their nipples showing. It doesn't matter to see a man's nipples, but a woman's are inappropriate to see.

I'm not going off on a feminist tirade, I was just thinking about how strange that is, and wondering if anyone had any theories on the subject. ;P




  1. Nipples aren't bad. Without them humans wouldn't survive, so thank God for nipples! It's just that part of living in a society calls for certain measures of modesty. Men are very stimulated visually, and to preserve their integrity and the integrity of women clothing is expected to cover what's provocative. Women are not so visually turned on the way men are, so topless men are really no biggie in comparison. I see that our society is disintegrating, so the "allowance" of exposing b*****s is flaunting the anarchy of our falling standards and our lack of concern for supporting the integrity of our brothers and sisters in our world.

  2. Clothes are stupid. Nudity never makes any sense to me. I understand having to wear clothes in the winter, but why can't I let it all hang out in the summer? You raise an interesting point. It is really ridiculous.

    But what is wrong with a feminist tirade. Why should women be punished because guys find their chest attractive? Why should a woman's top be perverse but not a man's? And since when is it the government's job to keep us from getting offended by each other?

  3. It is true in America but not in some European Cultures....In america the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms.....I suggest you petition your congressmen for a new amendment to allow you to bear b*****s!

  4. I say show em if you got em

  5. i rather not be judged on my nipples

  6. I like what seasaint7 said.  It's quite accurate.  But to expound on that.  A woman with nice skin and nice b*****s showing a nipple is extremely erotic.  Hence visually stimulated.  however, and not meant to be mean, not so much for a flat chested woman.  So, it is not just that the nipple is exciting, it is what the nipple is sitting on/.  A flabby old breast is not at all attractive (to me) nor is a woman that is in terrible shape.  So from this guys standpoint-all things considered, the nipple is not the main attraction in itself.  

    Ok, now understanding that, a woman walking around lets say with no bra on, and in a low cut shirt exposing her nipples, leads men to believe in one conclusion.  This woman wants to get laid.  

    SO therefore, it's considered abit toomuch, because of the conclusion most would make from that behaviour.  

    It's similar with when women wear shirts with no bra and the nipples protrude through.  

    The reason it's accepted for men to do this, is because typically that is absolutely not visually stimulating/.


  7. I think I see your point.


  8. I was not aware that nipple showing is a bad thing.  Has someone condemned this and I have not been told?  Where is this coming from? Im serious when did this become an issue?

  9. I live in Ontario Canada, and it is now legal for a woman to go topless if she wants.

    Unfortunately it's usually the people who should really keep their shirtson, that have them off!

  10. its a social reaction to sexual erogonous zones been on show

  11. i've always wondered this as well. maybe beacuse men are afraid of being turned on by some primative maternal yearning that they have.

  12. If you notice, anywhere the body releases fluids or solids from, other than the face, are considered "bad". Men's nipples don't produce milk, women's do.

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