
Why are accident incident books needed?

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Why are accident incident books needed?




  1. It is to cover YOUR BUT.

  2. It is a legal requirement to keep all records of incidents and accidents as part of your duty to safeguard the children in your care. Settings looking after children need to give parents/carers copies of these records to ensure they are aware of the factors affecting their children, in case anything should occur at a later time and have an adverse effect on the child. For example, a child may fall and hit their head and seem to be ok, yet hours later the child may show signs of concussion, if the parent was not aware of the accident they may not recognise the symptoms and so the child may be suffer as a result. In addition, these forms are a safe guard required should there be any intervention with agencies such as child protection.

  3. Gives influence to children!!!!!!!!!!

  4. so if there is a accident in the workplace it is noted in this book and witnessed if there were witnesses so that  ..two reasons .. you have any further problems relating to this accident you have proof it did happen at work and so that the employee can look at what accidents are happening in the workplace and try and prevent these from happening again.

    It is now an Occupational Health Safety rule for all businesses/companies ....

  5. because for kids to  read and learn

  6. it's a legal requirement, but more importantly can be the basis of evidence in case of any unfounded complaint.

    make sure it's taken seriously, dated, and archived ...

    (experience in the workforce on both sides has proven this to be essential!)

    best wishes,


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