
Why are activists against GM on?

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I read an article saying they were destroying GM crops in some kind of protest. Why are they doing this? What are the harmful causes or issue involved?




  1. i think they should stick to making cars

  2. They fear everything new as possibly being harmful, therefore they oppose everything new.  Some of them are such rabid anti-capitalist, anti-business types that anything they think might give a business a profit must be opposed.  Others think that GM seeds would make a monopoly for the seed company.  They can only see that there would be no harvestable seeds for farmers to save and replant and despise the seed company for making a profit on something they spent millions to develop.

    My father built the gene gun that shoots DNA into seeds for the 2 Cornell University professors that invented it and he perfected it.

    There are many hybrid seeds sold for plants that you cannot save the seeds of and get the same hybrid plants next season. They are not GM technically, but the same argument applies to them.  The seed  companies make a profit since they are the only supplier.

    A soybean is healthy to eat and has protein.  Maize corn is healthy to eat, but lacks protein.  Take the DNA from the soybean that makes protein and put it into corn seed.  Then you get a higher protein corn.  The stupid Indians eat only corn,  but corn lacks protein,  which makes them stupid so they cannot be convinced to eat anything but corn and will starve to death rather than eat anything else.  So the high protein corn makes them smarter.  This is bad?

    Long-term effects of what? Higher protein? DNA from soybeans, when you eat the same DNA when you eat soybeans?  There is a big difference between reasonable testing for safety and unreasoning opposition to that which is different simply because it is different.  If you are upset about what you think is a danger from a particular GM crop, then prove it, using impartial research, not your paid toady scientists or anecdotal accounts.  Prove it!!!

  3. THE PLAN would end up with scientist who

    create GM,control the world food supply,and

    farms would be bought up by GM people.FARMERS would head to parts of the country still with crops and fruits.

  4. I live in middle of hundreds of thousand acres of GM corn here in the Dakotas. I haven't seen any weird wildlife - yet. I too have concerns about feeding starving populations. Maybe its time for the wizards in the labs to conjour up some corn with birth control spliced in. Just a thought, do you know that if the US would put their lawns and golf courses into food production it would end world hunger.  RScott

  5. GM crops could increase crop yields. People eat said crops. more food=more people   more people=bad thing, especially if those people are poor Africans and not latte-drinking anti-GMO activists

  6. They are against GM crops because some people believe that we don't know enough about the long term effects of eating GM foods.

  7. ^ ^ ^ And what he said ^ ^ ^

    Cheap food with a high risk of damage to existing wildlife that occur naturally for the purpose of fertilising and reproduction of all biological plants and crops in general. I also campaigned against GMO's because they never used to be labelled and anyone could get a license for testing for the cost of £1,000 with no restrictions or monitoring necessary??

    I have never destroyed these crops but I have boycotted the GMO's as far as I can tell but I wouldn't be surprised if they sneak them through just like they tried to before.

    Many of the labs that test such things are funded by taxpayers money without any real long term evidence to back up safety issues. And another excuse for funds.

    Africa's hunger problems could be solved with the removal of Europe's Free Trade policies.

    Late Edit: Taganan; Is clearly arrogant with an over-inflated ego and feels he can make decisions for people based on his biased opinions. These are the types of dangerous racist characters that we should be aware of, being careful not to give them control of who gets food is potentially a grave mistake.

  8. The patenting of genetically engineered foods and widespread biotech food production threatens to eliminate farming as it has been practiced for 12,000 (or less) years.

    Genetically-modified seeds and crops will only benefit the food or chemical giants, who hold the patents on them. With control over the majority of the world's food crops, the greedy multi-national corporations can use the withholding of food, to control people.

    One method of control involves the use of "one-use" seeds--the plants are grown, but the farmer cannot harvest any usable seed from them, necessitating the annual purchase of seed.

    Furthermore, the DNA of genetically engineered seeds are often spliced with toxins, which are poisonous to mammals...

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