
Why are advertisement jingles so catchy?

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Why are advertisement jingles so catchy?




  1. because that's just the way they are.....

  2. Thats the point!

  3. Composers are paid quite a lot of money to come up with specific tunes/words that will stick in your head.

  4. because you have no life if you listen to advertisement songs and start singing along to them...

    trust me...i know.

  5. Because they are Retro?

  6. Because of the way the brain works.  Music makes an emotional connection in the brain.  The area of the brain that music is processed in is close to the emotions area of the brain and has a short direct route.  

    Music is also very memorable.  Nearly everyone learned their alphabet with the ABC's song.

  7. As marketers, it's important that we gain mindshare. We want you to think of our products and services first when you need to make a purchase. Jingles are merely another way to stick in your head and make you think of our product.

    Think of "800.588.2300, Empire! Ding!" Honestly, if I am NOT in the mood to do some research on new carpets and flooring, I will call them first just to get an idea of the costs.

    Here's an interesting note:

    While the lyrics may appear hokey to modern day society, the advertisement was an absolute sensation to consumers at the time. In fact, it was such a success that it served to save the otherwise failing brand of cereal. In 1929, General Mills was seriously considering dropping Wheaties on the basis of poor sales. However, advertising manager Sam Gale pointed out that an astounding 30,000 of the 53,000 cases of cereal that General Mills sold were in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, the only location where “Have You Tried Wheaties?” was being aired at the time[2]. Encouraged by this incredible results of this new method of advertising, General Mills changed tactics entirely. Instead of dropping the cereal, it purchased nationwide commercial time for the advertisement. The resultant climb in sales single-handedly saved the now incredibly popular cereal.

  8. So you remember them and buy the product.

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