
Why are aggressive women frowned upon?

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I'm very aggressive and always have been since I was a small child. Its seen as a good thing in men but bad in women why? I feel really good about being this way myself. I'm very confindent.




  1. Because it makes men feel less superior, more insecure, and less likely to be controlling. It's for the same reason why women over 40, more educated women, and women with high-paying jobs are more frowned upon. It's because it's a control issue. That's why these are the same men that go after women who have low self-esteem or young girls who are barely over the legal age. They figure these women are a lot easier to control than the aggressive, more highly-educated, and the older women. I like aggressive women myself. I also like more educated women.  I like having someone whom I can compete with and someone who actually can keep up with the conversation. I would rather have that than some bubbleheaded bleach blonde with a room temperature IQ and the personality of a snowflake.

  2. only insecure men feel that way. they see someone tougher then them and they go cry in a corner. lol. I don't know why i am not aggressive but i don't have a problem with people who are. unless they are always trying to pick a fight,

  3. cuz men always want to be in control an keep us under there thumbs...  they cant stand any woman that stands up for herself an wont do as they say...  gud for u girl!!!

  4. idk, i guess men don't want to compete with the fairer s*x.

  5. Being aggressive and being a b*tch are often confused.  There is a difference between being aggressive and being a b*tch.  Aggressiveness is done with respect and tact, b*tchyness, is not.  Aggressive men who act disrespectful and tactless are not put up with either.

    Keep being aggressive.  No one is looking down on you for it.

  6. because aggression in women is not considered 'pretty' - it spoils the 'eye candy' effect.

  7. Assertiveness is good, but aggressiveness can come out as too domineering and bossy. People don't like to feel like someone is all up on them. It's not acceptable for men and men don't get a good rap for being too aggressive as such men are usually called a******s or jerks. But the difference is that perhaps men don't care as much what other's think of them, whereas, women might be more upset for being called a *****. But as far as in the bedroom goes, I don't think an aggressive woman is a bad thing at all.

  8. This guy on GWS once told me that he wouldn't touch "stereotypically aggressive" women with a 10 foot pole. But, this guy also tried to prove to me how confident and assertive he was and accused me of b*tching at him when I was just talking normally lol!  Is that the kind of guy you want? I don't think so.

  9. lol, I like the screen name. I too am, and save a brief period in my life, always have been (confident/aggressive). I don't think that smart , well adjusted, confident men (or women) see it as a bad thing. Though there is a difference between being confident and being obnoxious (in both men and women). Also, when dealing with people if you want win-win situations sometimes you have to keep in mind their personality. I'm not saying don't be yourself, but some people absolutely cannot handle confrontation it's futile to be aggressive and more productive to use discretion and tact. Though this coming from the girl who once made a man of another culture so mad that he turned red (really red) and spit on the ground and cursed me in a language I didn't understand. Probably the only reason he didn't hit me was cause I was very pregnant. Though my house did get set on fire the next day, lol (looking back). That was a long time ago and I've learned to use some tact/strategy, surround myself with well adjusted smart, confident people that are't threatened by that, and to never apologize for being confident or 'strong'.

  10. It has to do with societies stereotypical view of gender.  Men are supposed to be aggressive, women are not.  In the past, men were encouraged to be aggressive because it is considered part of being male, while women are supposed to be demure and acquiesce to the wishes of their husband.  While this view is changing, it is really hard to change an established stereotype.  

    You are fine, it is a societal problem.

  11. I don't think either s*x should be can be assertive without being aggressive.

  12. A woman wrote an essay about that in Newsweek, if you're interested:

    I think it's just another one of those darned double standards.

  13. Nobody likes an aggressive person, regardless of the gender.

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