
Why are air guns not banned in the UK?

by Guest10988  |  earlier

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This story highlights the reason why we shouldn't allow these weapons- why exactly are they allowed?




  1. Shootings like this, while unfortunate, are pretty unusual and don't justify banning what is generally a fairly inoffensive possession.  Being shot with an airgun can be painful (I know, I once shot myself by accident) but it's very rare for airgun shootings to be life-threatening.

    If you want to ban something, ban crossbows - they are also legal and much more dangerous.

  2. Exactly!Why not????

    Target practise in the back garden--my foot!

    More likely uses it for shooting neighbours cats.

  3. Political lobbying! (Cynical answer, I know).

  4. because of the threat of international terrorism. we can still blow the cnuts george and kween bess forever.

  5. Why not ban everything that can harm a human!

    Guns have never hurt anyone, it is the person behind it!

    The people have to accept responsibility for their own actions or the government will be telling us when to eat, when to use the loo, not to run in the street... I for one don't need that as I am a responsible human being!

  6. To kill rats etc, what is the issue?

  7. not sure...but that sounds like a parenting problem instead of air gun problem...

  8. lol... Please... Did you read the story?- A 5 Year old was given access to it.

    If a 5 year old drove a car it would kill someone... Should be we ban cars?- Should we ban matches? Bleech?

    The Grandfather is an idiot for allowing the child access to the gun end of story.

    Perhaps air guns should be banned... But this story proves nothing.

  9. because the government is f**cked up

  10. I don't know...there is no reason whatsoever that these guns should be in the posession of over 21s, let alone teenagers. If anyone wants to use them for target shooting, fine...but let it be in a gun club.  

  11. we don't need to ban air guns, we just need to start insisting on a basic intelligence test before allowing people to breed.

  12. Knives kill 1000's more that air guns ever did.

    Try banning them !!

  13. There is no need to ban them if they are used properly. Next thing will be mass hysteria like when firearms were banned just because some nutter went berserk in a school. Fancy allowing a 5 year old anywhere near a weapon.

  14. cos we have stupid laws in the uk  

  15. You're just being hysterical. If You ban airguns for reasons like that, You'd have to ban pointy sticks, and lord knows what else.

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