
Why are all muslims seen as terrorists?

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It seems a bit naive and stupid to tar all individuals of one religion with the same brush. I have no religion but have lived in Muslim countries and felt safer as a woman than in many parts of London. When the IRA were carrying out their bombing campaign, did we think all roman catholics were terrorists or because ETTA plants a bomb on a beach do we blame all Spanish people? Are all Americans responsible for the terrorist activities done in their name? Doesn't every religion and society have sick prats which we would love to get rid of as soon as possible?




  1. yes your absolutely right

  2. cuz some idiots make them look like terrorists

  3. The media. Especially right-wing owned channels like Fixed (Fox) News.

  4. I do not think all Muslims are seen as terrorists, except by a minority of ignorant and prejudiced people.

    The normal peace loving Muslim rarely appears on TV or in newspapers, the same for the normal peace loving Christian or Jew, Buddhist or Hindu - or any other faith you may care to mention. It is the angry, hate-filled ones that make the news, so that fuels a reaction of fear and prejudice.

  5. because the IRA and ETTA are mostly local terrorists...Americans are not terrorists..but the Muslims carry out their terror through out the entire world..they take no quarters..they could care  less if they destroy kids or entire family's and no country is safe from their terrorism...not even their own

  6. Muslim Terrorist Organisations


    Tamil Tigers






    al-Harakat al-Islamiyya

    its fair to say Muslims are addicted to terrorism. In most  countries where there's Muslims there is trouble.

  7. the quaran

  8. Because they are an easy, one-size-fits-all target for those who don't know any better.

  9. Thanks to the Media (Propaganda Outlets)

    America needs an enemy to justify ridiculous military spending and make sure it doesn't loose it's grip on the world

    The Soviet Union collapsed, that boogeyman is gone

    Who better to scare the public than Muslims and Al-Qaeda?

    They're everywhere and anywhere and they follow some "strange religion" most ordinary people know NOTHING about so they make an easy excuse for America to blame it's problems on

    In the 1900's it was Black people

    In the 1950's "immigrants"

    Now in 2000 and onwards it's Muslims

  10. Its a section of the media that routinely sends the message that Muslims are generally terrorists. Although some mainstream media is working to remove such misconceptions, it is true that the idea that Muslims are terrorists doesn't hold among the general people of most western countries.

  11. Yeah but people need scapegoats.  Can't stop stereotyping unfortunately

  12. When the IRA were bombing all Irish people were treated as if they were terrorists.  

  13. true

  14. because their religion offers a better eternity if they sacrifice their life for the better of Allah.....

    it's all a lie tho...they're giong to h**l

  15. Not to troll, but you should watch Zeigeist. pretty good for an internet movie.

    Everyone needs a hate image. some say there wouldnt even be a society, if there wasnt a boogieman to fight.

  16. Because they are desperate as they are losing in Iraq, the Muslims are humiliating them and they are desperately trying to find a way out. They have small brains and cant act like real men, typical Americans. Its too bad that because of their small brains, the war was started. They started it and are losing, just like what happened in Vietnam.

    American "men" are thick, European "men" are sissies.

  17. Because Muslim terrorists derive their justification from the same 'holy' texts that 'mainstream' Muslims hold sacred and refuse to condemn.

    When one sees footage of tens of thousands of 'ordinary' Muslims screaming for the beheading of a teacher for letting a kid call his bear Mohamed, it is difficult to think of Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance no matter what apologists may say.

  18. Many people have small minds and tend to blame every member of the same race as capable of the same acts.

  19. Probably because no one were no Catholics dancing in the streets anywhere when the IRA blew something up. However there were people in Palestine doing a jig when 9-11 happened.

    The  ETTA are Basques, and Basque isn't a religion it's an ethnic group, btw.

    You say you walked alone in Muslim countries? In some Muslim countries such as Afghanistan under the Taliban, you'd be killed on the spot for that.

    Yes, every society does want to get rid of the terrorists. Muslims countries ned to try a lot harder.  

  20. their religion teches that they can resort to violence to convert people

    and so far most of the effecting terrorist attacks are caused by muslims

  21. it does seem unfair, but the world needs a scapegoat, years ago, it was the Jews, then it was the Catholics of Ireland, now it's the Muslims

  22. Because in the quran it says for all muslims to kill the infidels, & it also teaches, to hate & kill, & the Roman Catholics in London teaches that only of the Catholic Church while in America, we are free to pick our own religion, without fear of being killed, Or ex-communicated, Now you ask are ALL Americans responsible for all terrorist, Let me ask you something here, what was America doing on 9/11 We were minding our own business.& we were attacked, You would think some of these dumb heads would know that the United States would respond, because look at Pear Harbor in WW2, Little do the terrorists know, that they woke up a sleeping Giant. Now most of them are crying we did not do it.

  23. Its the way society is. 'Trends' go round in cycles. When my Grandparents first came over from Ireland they were seen no better than dogs. you would constantly see signs saying 'no dogs, no irish'. It will change in time like all things do

  24. The ideology behind islamic terrorism is Islam and muslims follow Islam. When the IRA were carrying out a bombing campaign we did not think all catholics were terrorists simply because Catholicism was not behind these bombings, but many londoners were suspicious of the irish.

    I do not blame muslims, I blame Islam.

  25. It's how the media makes it look and people believe without thinking and finding the truth out for them selves.

  26. Yeaaahh. .. Well I don't see any other group of people performing these HOMICIDE bombings day in, day out. It has been happening for years, it isn't an isolated incident.  I don't agree with the term terrorist anyway.  The people who strap bombs to themselves are odd ones to begin with. Religion is a funny thought isn't it.

  27. Generalization seems to be a Human disease.

    People have a lot of common sense but they fail to use it.

    Infact this happens to all parts of the society, on some religious grounds, ethnic background, race etc..

  28. I don't think people do it deliberately, the media has contributed alot to our perception of what a terrorist looks like, and therefore when I sit on the train next to a muslim carrying an especially large rucksack It does make me think twice!!

  29. Not ALL Muslims are seen as terrorists although they are potentially...  you can't blame people for being suspicious of them. ALL the 9/11 and 7/7 bombers were Muslim (a fact the thumb-downer can't dispute). Had they been little old ladies with Zimmerframes, people would now be looking at little old ladies with suspicion.

  30. you're right. Not all Muslims are terrorists.

  31. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    Yes, we are in need for people think as you.

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