
Why are all my teachers weird this year?

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Not necessarily bad weird, but just weird. Some just put me to sleep with teir long lectures and corny jokes, others put on a show, and act really weird. I just look at them funny. I even told my math teacher he was a weirdo, but it's alright, he's cool like that. So some are cool weird. But what is going on with them this year? Could it be the high gas prices? My bus driver forgets about us in the morning too...




  1. best thing to do is to sneak into the faculty lounge and see whats going on in there (what they're taliking, eating, etc..). they are probably guilty of something...

  2. Teachers think some kids are weird, too, but we love 'em anyway and just keep on keeping on, hoping we'll somehow make a difference.

    After you get to know your teachers, they may not seem so weird to you after all. With all the corny jokes and boring lectures and funny hair styles and orthopedic shoes and big noses and whatever else belongs on the "Weird List,"  you may eventually see them in a different light and come to appreciate the qualities that make them unique. And you just might learn something in their classes, too! Imagine that!!!

  3. my math teacher last year will admit she's crazy. you always find the weirdest teachers in high school.

  4. You are a teenager - all adults are wierd now.  Wait until you are like 25 and see teenagers in the mall - then you will know what wierd is!!!  Seriously.  You won't believe how you ever acted like you do now.

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