
Why are all of brazil's interior cities located on rivers?

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Why are all of brazil's interior cities located on rivers?

(I need atleast three reasons or i won't understand)




  1. Like the last guy said,but for Brazil in perticular, Rivers were used to navigate into the Amazon.   It was easier to get to a good area to found a city by boat then to bushwack your way through the rainforest.  Brazil also has a booming population that mostly likes on the coastline and the government is taking an active role in creating cities in the interier to ease the overpopulation on the coastline.  And it would be cheaper, faster and easier for the government to build cities along rivers and tributaries.

  2. If you take a map of the world, you will notice that essentially ALL interior cities are located on rivers, not only in Brazil.

    The reason is quite simple: people need water.

    Water is used for: navigating (handy before cars were invented), water for drinking, water for sewage flushing, water for industrial purposes and to provide for fire fighting capability..

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