
Why are all the Dale Jr fans suddenly jumping ship to Carl Edwards?

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Are they finally realizing their driver is just another last name and Carl and Kyle are the real deal as far as talent goes?




  1. i still like jr. but have to realize this is not his time, maybe it will never be his not jumping ship but i do have other drivers i like, kyle not really one of them, carl is ok

  2. Nope! I'm not a Kyle Busch nor a Carl Edwards fan.

    I'm all Kevin Harvick!

  3. Interesting observation. One of my Jr fan friends just mentioned to me the other day on the IM he was switching to Carl. I didn't ask I just said "bandwagoner" lol. I'm a Kevin Harvick fan so I guess I don't have too much say in it but IMO I think it's pathetic to dump your driver just because they aren't winning every week like Carl or Kyle.

  4. I am a fan of jr but i am not jumping on anyone's band wagon, and yes I did not like carl when he and jr had their little fight in the "nation wide" and tried to wreck jr like in Days of Thunder. This I have changed my so to speak about him. He did a baby tap to kyle and kyle had lots of time between the ten laps to get carl and did not. I do not like kyle and what he did to carl was inappropriate and childish. If I was in carl shoes i might have done what he did. Now I am still am going to keep my loyality torwards jr and i think carl was right in this situation but being a jr fan I am not jumping but I am changing my opinion about him and he has a better personality than kyle (kyle's attitude of being angry and bumping was not mature and the right thing to do and his actions speak louder than words. I think he got to big for his britches tonight and showed his true colours to some people. I dont like him cause he thinks that he can dish it out but when he gets it dished back to him he whines. ) From tonight carl is better than kyle but as to say that jr is just a name and not good no he won a race so easily that took his dad a long time to win that is where I see he has potential to win and be as good as some of the cup champs we will see it soon. carl is ok for now.

  5. jr is a more experienced and better driver than carl or kyle, they are just having good years, why he wasn't doing good before is DEI is no good.

    I'm in not way a big jr fan, i used to dislike jr fans but there are more fans against them than i thought. jr does not deserve these brutal comments about his driving. and alot of people are blaming things on jr fans like throwing trash on the track, its not only jr fans that do it but people want to blame them. and the people saying that all he is is a name, he can drive. winning championships are harder now than when sr won his championships

  6. Because Jr can't drive his way out of a paper bag!!  Carl has way more car control than Jr will ever have.

  7. idk but lol  yes i've liked jr for 5yrs.. but now i'm sorry i just got tired of him he pissed me off by moving to hendrick last year! AND BESIDES! HE HASN'T WON A FAIR RACE IN 4EVER!!! Carl is my GUY! and BTW I HATE KYLE BUSCH THE LIL STUCK UP f*g!

  8. Um, first of all, Dale Jr. is not "another last name".  He's also not his father. . I suppose I need to clarify that for you since you have already proven your ignorance to NASCAR in general.  

    Second, I WILL NEVER "jump ship" to any other driver, and if I did, I would bet on my Mother's soul (she is deceased and the most important person to me), that I would never choose CARL or KYLE.  

    Carl is about as fake as they come.  Aside from that, he is a bully.  He uses his size to attempt to intimidate people, although it clearly doesn't work, as he tried it once with Dale Jr, rather laughably.  Another example of his bullying was the interaction he had with Matt Kenseth, when out of no where, right before an interview between a commentator and Matt was about to take place, Carl grabbed Matt and held him arm back as if he was about to clock Matt in the face.  The reason for this was. . . .?  He was completely out of line and obviously unstable at the time.  I watched that clip about 4 times and couldn't believe he had the nerve.  But most people refuse to believe "Concrete Cousin Carl" could be anything but cooooool.  I think it's more like Crappy Crazy Carl.  The guy pretends every time he runs into someone, it's an "accident" and he "hates it for those guys" but he's so close to crying and whines to NASCAR when someone accidentally runs into him.  Let's see, you can dish it out, but can't take it?  

    I don't have much problems with Kyle except I really don't like his attitude.  He's gotten better, more mature, but he still can be a little arrogant.  I'm just really not a fan.  

    If it came down to either Carl or Kyle winning, I'm with Rowdy.  Rather see someone with actual skill take the checkers, than have flipper from Sea World doing tricks in victory lane.

    Edit - and it's funny because the only people who are getting thumbs down are the people who disagree with your opinion.  Criticism that tough for you?  You need some counseling.  I'm a counselor, tell me what area you live in and I'll recommend someone to help you work on that.  I feel so sorry for you.

  9. because Edwards is the new rival to Kyle Busch and Jr Nation hates

    Kyle Busch.

  10. Not this Dale Jr fan. I appreciate Carl's and Kyle's talents, as I do a lot of other Nascar drivers, but my favorite driver is Jr and nothing is going to change that. Not even your sophomoric outlook on our sport.  

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