
Why are all the Iranians so obsessed with the U.S.why cant they just keep to themselves?

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It's nothing against you personally if you just leave us and our friends alone then we'll leave you alone




  1. The U.S. is picking on Iran because they've got oil. That's where the real issue is, and where it will always be.

    Don't be surprised ... don't be SHOCKED. . . when you hear a speech by Dubya how Iran is somehow connected to 9/11.

    Five years ago, here we go again.

  2. I think you have it backward.  Its the US who is obsessed with Iran since 1979.  the US meddled in Iran's affairs and put in place the Shah, even though Iran had an elected leader named Mossadegh in the 1950s. Our CIA ousted him and brought in the Shah.   Is it any wonder Iran dislikes us?

  3. Believe it or not the US at one time had a great relationship with Iran. When the Shah was in power the region prospered. When the Shah's health failed the Ayatollah returned to Iran and the power was shifted over to the strictly enforced Islamic way. The Ayatollahs need to direct their agenda towards satisfying the needs of the people and God. You would think that they need not interfere with the politics of the people.But without the true leader of the people, Shah David Pahlavi, a direct descendant of Cyrus the great, the Republic of Iran will always be miserable.For 2500 years Persia enjoyed a great deal of success in the area. One day soon maybe they will return to prominence.

  4. A better question might be why are 'all' the Americans obsessed with 'all' the Iranians 'all' the time?

    Edit:Have you talked to every Iranian and do they all say the same thing?  

    It's attitude like yours that keeps the world at war.  Let's cut out this 'all' people of a certain nation or ethnic group are  A, or B, or C.  There's good and bad everywhere and frankly your warmongering on this board and racist comments makes me think that you belong in the latter group.  

    Those who consider themselves civilized human beings should learn to relate to others with respect.   We have to break the cycle of violence that attitude like yours has perpetuated for centuries.

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