
Why are all the aliens in Star Trek American?

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It's not just the accents, even their cultures are American - every Planet in the Star Trek Universe seems to have a MacDonalds.

Imagine if everyone in Star Trek were Chinese or Indian - all the Klingons, Borg, Romulans and Cardassians wearing turbans and beards!

How come Star Trek aliens have never been "real" aliens?




  1. I'd like to see a race of aliens with entirely Welsh accents (they could also be made of cheese)

  2. You realise that the UK has Dr. Who, right? The Darlek look like a vacuum cleaner with attachments. Besides all of  aliens in that series seem to be from the UK.

  3. I doubt that "real" aliens would wear turbans and speak chinese.

  4. **sigh*** its a tv programe and as such the creators and writers use artistic licence to make it better viewing for the public, can you imagine having to read subtitles all the way through it?  

  5. I would like to see the Borg version of MacDonalds.

    "You will be assimilated into the MacDonalds collective!" ;-)

  6. Haven't you realised yet that as well as being entertainment (and a money making machine) Star Trek has gone from the utopian ideals of it's creator. It is a massive propaganda exercise for the American colonisation of planet earth. There is barely a country left that has no Mc Donald's/Burger King/KFC. It is part of the most successful stealth cultural colonisation in the history of civilisation.

  7. Not that I'm an avid follower, but I always thought that the TOS Klingons were Soviet...

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