
Why are all the contractor scams in Florida blamed on the unlicenced immigrants?

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I have been an American all of my life but I am tired of hearing about all the bad things that the illegal unlicenced contractors are up to. What about the illegal activities of the licensed contractors. Maybe the law and regulatory agencies should focus some of their attention on that problem.

I don't believe that the unlicensed contractors would dare to pull what the others do as they need to keep a low profile.




  1. Living in Floridah I see it quite regularly. Being a free to work, non union state for the most part.  Contractors both licensed as well as non licensed use the cheapest labor possible, and cut more corners than anywhere else.  The County governments are hard pressed to maintain much quality control.

  2. They're not all blamed on illegals.  Read today's Orlando Sentinel of Florida Today.

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