
Why are all the liberals afraid of Gov Palin? ?

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Of all the posts in here since she was chosen as McCains VP choice, the liberals have gone crazy about her. What is the fear? Is it knowing deep down that Obama will lose the election? Is it that Gov Palin brings the real 'change' that Obama only preaches about?




  1. Whats there to be afraid of??

    She is a gimmick pick and after this week of RNC hype it will end up hurting John McCain.

    After people really think about it they will say...

    Hmmm... If 72 year old John McCain should die one day while in office, do we want PTA Hockey mom defending our country vs Russia????????????????????? Also, she will not help carry any swing states!

    This lady Graduated from Idaho U in communications. Anyone can do that!

    I'm not hating on her, she seems like a great woman and I give her props on raising 5 kids and being a politicians. But a lady who differs from every issue then Hillary will not be able to take may Hillary supporters

    But when you have a 4 month old with down syndrome it may make the VP job more challenging and people are talking about that already.

    McCain should have pick Romney, then he may have gotten Michigan at least and had a economic guy. This will back fire without a doubt!

  2. Because she's tough enough to beat the c**p out of them.

  3. Because she just invited all of those republicans that were thinking about going over to the Libertarian camp to come back home

    And many are taking that invitation, most of the rest are thinking about it

    She may or may not be a gimmick

    But anyone that thinks that the pick was not effective has no idea what they are talking about

    I just wish Condi Rice was up there

    Palin/Rice 2012

  4. Wouldn't know since i only hang out with RADICALS...but i think she's got more balls than all the girly-men in the race combined!

  5. This is actually three questions...not one.

    The fear: Everyone will talk about McCain and his choice instead of Obama's speech. The timing of the pick and the choice of VP pick really took away the crescendo of momentum that was building from what most believe was a very well delivered speech.  The other fear is that by choosing a woman as VP it highlights the question.. why did the candidate of "change" NOT pick Senator Clinton who barely lost to Obama and can bring in many votes?...WHY did the candidate of "change" pick the old white dinasour guy?

    I am sure that most of the promoters and supporters of Obama do not believe he will lose..some seem to believe he simply can't lose.

    The third question.. Gov Palin has brought a lot of change to Alaska, fighting "business as usual" politics and showing real interest in the "ordinary people" which is the Obama claim.. this cuts into the idea that Senator Obama is the only candidate who is "fresh", and has appeal to the ordinary voters.

    A free thought.. lets keep our attitudes good and our words respectful no matter who we want to win. :)

  6. No one is afraid of Gov.Palin.  She is, unfortunately, a pawn and it's sad to see how far McCain will go to win.  He has a history of using and misusing females; so it's no surprise that he would so carelessly use Gov. Palin.  Again, he exiibits no change in his tactics.  You're asleep.  Wake up.

  7. Because she truly represents the change that Obama is only flapping about.

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