
Why are all these people criticizing Sarah Palin for working to provide the best care for her child?

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That is what mothers do! They provide the best they can for their children.

It would be a wonderful world if ALL mothers could stay at home and care for their children. I worked at a daycare and came home and cried for the kids (healthy kids) who had to spend 8 hours a day (sometimes more) with virtual strangers. But, I knew that their parents were trying to do what was best for them.

In this day and age and in this horrible economy, too many families need to have two incomes just to survive. I'm 61 years old and my mother had to work to help put food on the table. And things have not changed.

I would love to reach that Nirvana where mothers are sacred and their only job would be caring for their children and their homes. Does the government offer any incentives for this? Apparently, only if you happen to be on welfare (like my next door neighbor who is currently in re-hab). Great example for her children whom I dearly love. She's home all day, every day with these little ones. Great job Robin!

Grow up people and realize that this world is a hard place and it is wrong to slam anyone who tries to do the right thing. I'm sure that Sarah Palin had amniocentesis like almost everone does these days, She chose to keep her gift from God.




  1. I am not.

  2. Sara didn't stay home and take care of her children.  Read her bio.


    Do you get it now?  Or do you think she was taking all that oil money just for fun?  Go ahead and vote for big oil.  The mother issue is only used to get your attention elsewhere- other than what is going to happen to your own wallet.

  4. The only thing these people have ever accomplished in their lives is to select which cell phone is best for them.

  5. It's just the nature of people.  To complain is all that some people seem to live for.  There must be opposition in all things.  Don't let it get you down and just keep on fighting for that which is good.

  6. She voted to have creationism taught in schools. She has an ethics investigation with a mere two years in office, She is anti-abortion. She was voted Miss Congeniality… and 16 years ago she was serving on the Wasilla City Council, population 8,471. Yeah I can see how Hilary voters would jump right on board with that. She is TOTALLY qualified to run the country. Maybe she can have a bake sale to get rid of our 9.5 Trillion dollar deficit. This is about oil. Drilling in Alaska, It’s about distracting Republicans about the tolls of the War in Iraq and garnering support by focusing on hot button issues like abortion as opposed to getting out of Iraq and addressing the unemployment and mortgage crisis.


  7. I take my hat off to you Mam, and thank you for pointing out how important it is for mothers to active in their children's lives.

    I applaud you for that.

    I do not agree however that this woman is doing the best for her children.

    I would no sooner place my children into the kind of lifestyle they are now forced to be in - for anything.

    To risk them being ridiculed at the least and living under the threat of kidnap - or being kidnapped at worst?  (God forbid that ever happens)!!!

    No, I’m sorry, I think it’s wrong of her, just wrong.

    Thank you for your post though.

  8. Pro-abortionists criticizing her motherhood? ...... LOL  !!!

  9. Sarah is an all-American women.  And anyone who has any experience with that breed knows they are tough enough and resourceful enough to work and raise families.  America kicks butt because we have millions of these women, now they get to have one of their own as a VP.

  10. There is no legitimate criticism of Palin. She is the epitome of success through hard work and character and she's tough on corruption. I am proud and excited to have her as the nominee for the vice president of my party.

    McCain/Palin '08.

    h**l yeah.

  11. they have nothing to go on so they have to attack her as a mother and a decent woman.  She is a breath of fresh air in a very stale & stinking Washington!

  12. Because Obama is better. Obama 08 Destroy racism.

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