
Why are all these teenagers getting pregnat at 13,14,15....?Best Answer?

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I mean come on im almost 15 and im still a virgin im seeing 12 and 13 and 14 and older.What's up?




  1. right i fell pregnant with my child at 14 im now 16 and hes 18 months! no girl should be judged on what age they fell pregnant. and as for the first comment. my dad died when i was 10 and i was in care for years so maybe that is the problem but its nothing to do with you and if any of you wanted to take it up with me my email is

  2. difference reasons: love, hormones (being horny), s*x feels good, peer pressure and more peer pressure.

    i am 14 and waiting until i am ready and have found the right guy.

  3. They are having s*x. That's why. With or without protection. Either way, you can get pregnant, and clearly, that's what happened with these girls.

  4. Mainly because movies and commercials. Movies like Juno and the show The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Both bad influences including celebrities too starting at your age and going to 17. I am 12 my parents won't let me watch either of those cause the influence. When younger girls see celebs have kids  when they're 13-17 they think 'oh a celeb is having a kid when they are 13 and since i am gonna be like them i need to get pregnant!' Or they don't go to health class we have that at my school we are sperated for some and together for some as in boys and girls. Next year we are learing about dating in 7th grade. Our health classs is called "Hot Topics" we get it all the way through 12th grade.

    It starts in 4th with smoke talk then 5th with the body and more drug talk 'bout saying no etc.

  5. a lot of has to be bc parents are not teaching there kids about s*x and giving them all the information they need to know about getting pregnant, having safe s*x, how hard it is to raise a child.  also, bc they want to be an adult, they think its cool to have s*x and say i wont get pregnant it cant happen to me and then they have unprotected s*x and bam they are pregnant. i think it is crazy and they should enjoy being a teenager before taking on adult responsibilities like s*x and raising babies

  6. They haven't had propper parental guidence throughout their childhood. My parents raised me better than that, I'm 14 and a virgin, and plan on staying that way until I'm married.

  7. I don't see how you could do that...

    But it's wahar America is coming to.

  8. my friend was 9 1 month after her first period she got pregnant can you belive it

  9. I don't even understand that! I'm 14 years old (soon to be 15, also] and I fully comprehend the fact that I'm waaaaaayy to young to carry on the responsibilities of being pregnant and caring for a child of my own. That is INSANE. But I guess there's so much peer pressure from people these days?

  10. I totally agree. I think that it's all to blame on the parents. Parents do not want to take 5 minutes to talk to their daughters about using protection and having safe s*x, but when schools try to teach it, they get mad and decide to protest. It's not the girl's fault because they don't know any better.

  11. you know if children are not under a good parential care.

    by right a girl should be 18 to become pregnant. is really bad

    at that age. how can a child be a mom of a child.

    how can they take care of their childre.

    am really glad that am a guy

    and thanks to God for that

  12. I know it is sad they will never have the experience of growing up like those of us that got to have fun all throw high school and college.

    I think it has to do with our society.  We are shown s*x s*x s*x every place we look.  The temptations the suggestion are everywhere.  Seeing s*x all the time has desensitised these kids. To them s*x means nothing its just fun or something to try.  

    This is nothing new but I think it is getting worst.  Miss guided teens with no one to turn to not enough love in their life's so they have s*x to fill that lack of love.  Because there is something you feel after good s*x that can cheer you up.

  13. You are very smart. me too. i wont even have a steady bf till im older. They are just stupid anyways.

  14. Because they don't understand that getting pregnant is a very real possibility.  They don't think being a parent is anything to worry about.  I'm 30 with two kids and I worry every day even though I am married.  If they had any clue on what it really meant to be a parent, they would be more careful.

  15. parents its the truth not listening

  16. Because they are not smart! They wanna be so fast and grown up that they do that to impress the guys and when when they end up pregnant they wanna cry...and beg for help!

    Stay a virgin, until you find a guy who really loves you!

  17. Because they honestly have come to believe it is their right. That they are so autonomous and independent (it used to be called 'willful and spoiled')  that they can make adult decisions. And need no adult guidance about their choices, so they do make choices without understanding either responsibility or consequence. They have never had the opportunity to learn obedience or respect for others.  It is all about "them" and what they want to do.  The baby itself is abstract until it gets there.

    "because its thier choice to have s*x, its thier body and thier mind"  as Goddes


    I was raised in a different age, We had parents not rights.  We understood rights were only aquired through hard work, study and sacrifice.  If you didn't respect other people you couldn't expect to go far in the world.   If you were 'disrepected' it was because you were not being respectful and people had had enough of your attitude.

  18. Because parents who say,"Kids are going to do it anyway, nothing you can do about it" aren't actually trying to do anything about it.  They are not teaching their kids to abstain until marriage.  My parents taught us that.  We were all adults when we lost our virginity.  I'll admit I wasn't married when I lost my virginity, but I was an adult and working.  I regret that I didn't wait.  I married my husband 11 years later, and wish I would have saved myself, but what's done is done.  I didn't ever shack up.  I wanted better, and I got it.

    I know parents who ARE chaperoning their kids' dates, etc. and their kids aren't getting pregnant or having s*x.  Some of those kids are now adults, married, with small children of their own now.

  19. A lot of it has to do with their parents. Parents don't teach their kids any s*x ed, and let their kids run around at all hours of the night doing whatever they want! Also, these teenage girls have NO self respect and it's just so sad.

  20. depends on what ethnic backgound they are. in this area mostly hispanic girls. part of their culture. moms dont talk much about if at all about birth control. highest % in this state in this area. too bad they cant wait until they are ready. the guys dont want to take care of their kids after they and moms split.  congrats on not jumping into it..

  21. because its thier choice to have s*x, its thier body and thier mind

  22. A lot of teen moms are the daughters of teen moms themselves...they haven't grown up with proper parental reinforcement, and often actually think it's acceptable to have a kid, since they see family members, friends, and neighbors having children in their teens, and view it as the norm.

    Teen moms also are often being manipulated by older men (or boys, really), and are desperate for affection, so they'll have s*x before they're ready, to make their boyfriends happy.

    However, there are also rare exceptions: emotionally mature teen girls who have been raised right and have respectful boyfriends their own age and try to take precautions against pregnancy, but accidentally get pregnant with a condom breaking or something, and then just chose not to abort it, for religious/ethical reasons.

  23. urm, to the first answer...i was raised fine. i take offence in your answer.

    im 18 and having my first, but yeah, alot are having them younger. trust me, its not planned, sometimes the condom breaks, sometimes the birth control pill fails them, in my case i was on the pill AND used a condom and im still pregnant.

    however, im not a scrounging teenager, with no education who will be living off the state. I have my own house i live with my other half and we make a joint income of £25,000 a year (approx). So i really do not appreciate it when people say things about teenagers having children. because in my opinion age does not matter, if you can love and support your child you'll do fine.

    Good on all the teenagers who have became pregnant by accidet and are choosing not to murder their child and are having a go at being the best possible person they can be.

  24. that's a really broad question.

    i'm fourteen. still a virgin.

    that question applies to teens universally, and its kind of judgemntal. like, i get where you're coming from. teen pregnancy rates are getting higher and higher. so are unplanned pregnacies. but i dont think it's generally in that specific age group. plus, parents are becoming more and more prude and neglect to have the s*x talk.

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