
Why are all these young people getting shot and knifed? What is out country becoming?

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I agree with those of you who say this country is becoming a "mess" , but how can we get the ruling classes to do something about it? I also agree with the changes since the '50s. Our children will have no country or people if things are left as they are, those of us who can are getting out, mainly due to the state of things. Thanks for your comments.




  1. god i know, i agree.

    my dads friends daughter got shot yesterday and is now in a critical condition : O

    something needs to be done about it!


  2. its already there we need someone with some balls to run this country its a soft touch!

  3. when funding for the police 'goes' to Iraq and Afganistan and we have a punishment system which rarely sees an offendant get maximum duration for a crime even if the maximum is relatively short and with jails having better food/services/facilities then homeles shelters is it any wonder crime hasnt gone down here?

    The gang culture wont go away until the government is prepared to fund the police enough to target offenders with zero tolerance and once they are caught not to be let off with a menial 6 months in jail.

    i knew a guy who described doing time in a jail as 'easy' we also dont speak to our children in schools enough about this not just about the dangers but also the punishments

    our country is fast turnng into a sh*thole the government need to flush out the crime asap

  4. cause young people make bad decisions. Usually because of how their parents raise them

  5. The country is becoming the centre of an immigrant invasion. Uneducated people with primitive cultures, i.e. africans are coming into our country and messing it up. This isn't racism, it's true, 90% of knife/gun crime in london is black, they also have the highest unemployment levels.

  6. Some people take there disagreements with people to the extreme. There are many reasons why a person or a group of people commit violence and murder. I think we as a society see violence as an acceptable way to deal with a conflict. Some people see violence as an acceptable way tto have fun or when they are flustered.

  7. AS a professior of psycology, having lived, and having children.. the reasons we have issues with todays youths is due to media - TV & Mags

    If you take a look at 1950's cartoons and ones from 2000, you will see a distinked difference.. pokemon, power rangers show kids violence, and insight fear.

    It really stands out to me in most TV programes that I can see on TV designed for children. This has changed over time.. from my childhood, we had Why dont you, Rainbow, Magic round about, muppet show..sesamy street..

    these were about building, imporvement, and learning..

    Now most are related to some sort of violence. dont forget, read between the lines and children alway do and work out what the bottom line is..

    feed this to kids for a number of years and thats what you get.

    Same thing with adults really as well, 1950's, love and romance, fun and life.. Today, killing, terror,  robbery and violence.

    Were a nice bunch arent we..

  8. You refer to US, I suppose.

    In Europe simply is forbbiden to use freely guns! Is severely controled.

    You can use it only for hunting, but you must have licenses. In US is possible that a child just can use (for self-defense?) a gun???!!!!

    Your country (I am European...) should just start to introduce rules on that. Legal rules and control them. If a youngster has a gun and a policeman/woman discover it, and he/she has no license for it, he/she should just go to prison... and face law. If not, US will become in a quasi-civil war state! How many are killed every year?

    Gun policy in the United States is also highly influenced by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits infringement of "the right of the People to keep and bear arms." Gun rights advocates generally encourage a strict preservation of the right protected by the Second Amendment. Probably, something should be done here!!!!

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