
Why are alot of birth mother flown to mostly Utah to place their babys for adoption?

by Guest66464  |  earlier

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Why are alot of birth mother flown to mostly Utah to place their babys for adoption?




  1. Because the adoption industry is evil there, and they can get away with  baby-stealing and selling there.

    Job 24:9:

    [The violent men whose wickedness seems unnoticed] pluck the fatherless infants from the breast [to sell or make them slaves], and take [the clothing on] the poor for a pledge,

  2. Because the relinquishment laws there have a very short revocation period.

    Other states have longer periods in which people can change their minds about placing their child for adoption.  So women are flown to states that have short or no revocation periods.

  3. They can by pass other state laws.  In the five cases going on right now with fathers, they do it to bypass the fathers' rights.  The LDS social services have satellite adoption agencies all over the country.  They put out BOLA alerts on mothers who are considering placing and who have issues with fathers.  There is one state that has stood up to them.  It is Illinois.  All adoptions with Illinois folks must occur in the state of Illinois.  The agencie no longer can ship mothers out of state.  The Governor and the Attorney General went up against the agencies and won the children back for their parents.

  4. Being from Utah ( believe it or not not everyone is mormon) we have strong family bonds. growing up in a family of seven. now me and all my brothers have big families (not mormon) we love children.

  5. The laws there are geared toward the adoptive parent rather than the birth parents.  They have loop holes in their laws that other states don't have to protect the adoptive parents from birth parents that change their mind or never relinquished their parental rights.

  6. Isabel's answer is correct.  Utah also has a putative father's registry, which many but not all states have.  If the mother gives birth in Utah, and the father hasn't signed the putative father's registry in Utah, he loses his rights to his child.  It doesn't matter in which state(s) the mother and father currently live or in which state they were at the time of conception.  Of course, the father doesn't know the agency has sent the mother to Utah.  He just doesn't know where she is.  There are cases in the courts now where fathers' rights have been circumvented by agencies who send the mother to Utah, without telling the father, to let her give birth and relinquish there.

  7. what are teh stats?  how many are flown out there?  how many are voluntary?

  8. Because all the Church cares about is making more members.  If a member can't produce (more babies, more $$$) then they'll take from the ones who can.

    Anything the LDS church can't explain they write off as a 'revalation'.

    Scary stuff.

  9. Because they have very well defined adoption laws, and require natural father's to "put their money where their mouth is, so to speak, if they want to parent a child. They require action on the "father's" part. Not just words.

  10. You have got to love AngelCud, who just tells it like it is from the adopters view of things. Because you can get that baby faster and there are no strings attached. Alisa, if you want stats, go get em tiger!

    First mothers are flown into Utah because the deal is sealed tighter when the parents have less rights. Its a business, its about marketing off of  babies. And to think, they do it ALL in Gods name.

    tsk tsk tsk.

  11. There are much easier laws to dance around in Utah then most other states!!

    I would google this to learn more!

    Also I just remembered that Salt Lake City is home to the Mormon Church, who are advocates for adoption over abortion!! Perhaps this is why there laws are more flexible!!

  12. Because the Mormons are into genealogy big time so they can figure out who's going to heaven.

  13. Because Utah has the best adoption laws....they require an absentee, unwed father to state weather or not he wants to parent this child BEFORE the baby is born. If he does not want to be a parent he signs a document and the mother is allowed to place the child for adoption without any interference from the uninterested father.

    And relinquishment take 48hrs  vs. Pennsylvania which can take up to 6 months.

    This is not fair to children!

  14. I have seen many WEB site discussion forums where adoptive parents high-five each other for scoring an infant in Utah.  They discuss how wonderful it is for adoptive parents because it is easy to ditch the father, the mother can sign the moment after she gives birth, and there is no revocation period.  Get in, get the baby, and get out.  No guilt.  No discussion of ethics.  No shame.  Oh wait, there is one down side.   "Birth" mothers are still "allowed" to change their minds about giving their babies away.  Oh my God, the moaning and wailing that goes on then along with the nasty comments about the inconsiderate "birth" mothers.  Adoptive parents and the industry are working on laws to change that tho'.  They want to be able to "pre-pay" for and own a human even before he/she is born.  That's how it done in the good old USA where you buy anything.

    Why does this happen?  Unethical adoptive parents drive the market.  These types feel that the world owes them a baby and they don't care how they get one.  Some also feel that they are saving a baby from an evil life by taking him/her from an "unwed" mother.

  15. What adoption agency are you going to? You can use adoption in any state and because it's easier for the Adopitive parents that there is a shorting waiting time in Utah then any other state is no excuss to do that. Wouldn't that make you feel rushed.

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