
Why are american horse jockeys the best in the world?

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Why are american horse jockeys the best in the world?




  1. American jockeys the best ? well you cant really judge any country's jockeys mainly because in all diffrent country's there are diffrent riding styles and tracks and well it is hard to judge them all together. i have never seen European jockeys ride or Australian so i cant tell you who is better. but we all have our diffrent point of views on things some think that American jocks are better and others think that European or Australian jocks are better . my personal favorite would be Edgar Prado.

  2. Oh please! American jockeys don't have to do anything!  They simply ride h**l for leather from the gate and know nothing about riding a tactical race!

    All US tracks are exactly the same and therefore if you know one you know them all.

    European jockeys as a whole have a much harder time of it with our varying tracks.  You try telling me that riding Newmarket is just like riding Epsom!

    If I had to pick one nation for the best jockeys it would be Ireland.

    The reason European jockeys don't do well in the US is because of the different riding styles, but let me point out that very few US jockeys ride well in Europe.  The growing use of artificial surfaces in the US may well force your jockeys to learn to ride differently and then we'll see who the best jockeys are!

  3. americans best in the world? please!

  4. big money brings skilled people, i believe Australian jockeys are the best as Sydney is regarded as the toughest racing in the world and Australian riders have been succesful all over the world

  5. they are? how do you know this? i would tend to believe the spanish riders would be a bit better. but i am no expert on this. i was just intrested by your comment.

  6. You're an idiot.

  7. Ireland has the best jockeys,England has the best horse race meetings.

  8. American jockeys are the best you have been smoking something.

    Firstly the European circuit has some good jockeys to me the best has to be Frankie Dettorii who would run circles around anyone in the US.

    The Hong Kong circuit also rates higher than the American, as everything sports related though the Asian continent seem to be more private in exploiting their stars overseas thus not many people know of them. Their circuit is the most successful in terms of attendance and gambling.

    But that brings me to THE BEST JOCKEYS in the world Australia and New Zealand, the competition is the strongest in the world the jockeys are the most in demand in the world.

    Just to name a few both past and present Shane Dye, Corey Brown, Jimmy Cassidy and in my mind the greatest of all time Darren Beadman

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