
Why are americans being forced to vote for McCain or Obama if neither was born in the US?

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There was a court case in California a couple of months ago to make an exception so McCain, born in Panama, could become president, now there are stories that Obama was not born in the US. In Canada you have a birth certificate if you're born here, no complications. But the US seems so bizarre. Why are americans being forced by their media and having laws twisted to choose one of two men who likely cannot even be their president?




  1. Bob Barr was born in the US.  Vote Libertarian.  Bob Barr in '08

  2. The stories about Obama not being born in the USA are all false. If you check out his book, he was born in Hawaii, which is totally part of USA... Only tabloids say rumors about him...

  3. Are you uninformed or are you dumb? Obama was born in Hawaii, which is one of our states, and John McCain was born in the US territory of Panama when we owned it and it was American soil. Both are Americans at birth. McCain's parents and grandparents and so on were born in the continental US, but his father and mother were pregnant with him when they were in Panama because his father was their for his job.

  4. Gordon Brown the British PM was born in Scotland and look at the mess he has caused in England be wary lol :)

  5. John McCain was born on an American naval base to American parents so he was a citizen from birth. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

  6. Where do you people come up with this stuff?  I have heard the demonstrably false rumors about Obama not being a natural born American citizen, but this is the first time I've heard it about McCain.  Just for the record, Obama was born in Hawaii, after it became a US state, and McCain was born, not in "Panama," but in the Canal Zone, which was a piece of American territory in Panama.  McCain's father, a naval officer, was stationed there.  But beyond that, a person is an American citizen if at least one of his parents is an American citizen, regardless of where he is born.  Both of the candidates are natural-born American citizens -- a prerequisite for being  president -- Obama because he was born in the US and McCain because he was born to American citizens.  There has been no need to grant any "exceptions."

    Addendum:  You go from bad to worse, sdgls, linking to a World Net Daily site.  Even then, did you actually read that whole article.  Nowhere in there did it say that it was "likely" that Obama was born in Canada or Kenya.  It said that there were "reports, so far unconfirmed," that he might have been born in one of those places.  Boy, that sounds like rock-solid evidence to me.  I'll tell you what -- when those reports become confirmed, get back to us on it.  I won't be holding my breath.  

    Look, I've said this before and I'll say it again:  if there were an iota of truth to this, the Republicans would have been all over it.  Even before that, the Clinton campaign would have been all over it.  The fact that you find this tripe only on right-wing blogs is evidence that there is no "there" there.

  7. They were both born in the USofA

    Mccain = Panama canal (when US territory)

    Obama = Hawaii

  8. who cares, america is a mixed up country that will always be ran by mixed up people and its the voters that put them there, its no wonder its a has been world power

  9. George Bush was born in the US. Enough said!

  10. the media doesn't choose the candidates, they decide to run for office

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