
Why are americans mad about illegal immigration?

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Big companies own by americans are the ones hiring illegals. We don't even have to go far...the government hire illegals to clean up New Orleans after Katrina.




  1. People are so mad because they belive that the illegals will take their jobs.  So the government needs to get cracking and deport them.

  2. Some Americans are not ready for the U.S. Government to relinquish our sovereignty as a nation. We think that if every other country in the world is allowed to control their borders, we should be allowed to,  also.

    It also concerns us that our elected representatives are more interested in retaining their political power rather than living up to the primary tasks assigned to them in the Constitution: namely (for those who have forgotten), protect the borders and enforce the Bill of Rights.

    Simple enough, but Congress is far to interested in helping their friends raid the public treasury, make restrictive laws, and raise taxes, than to do their assigned job.

    They're giving themselves a full plate at our and our nation's expense.

  3. Could be that the Americans have reach the point they don't want to support illegals while their own American families are in need of help and can't get it. Big companies have always look for ways to get the work done without paying out alot of money. You state that our government hired illegals for clean up, take the time to find out who was the head of the hiring for that job. You along with alot of others forget, our government is no longer run by true Americans concern for the well being of this country. Take the time, depending where you live to call your State or Government office, see if you found a person you understand or understands what you want.

    My ancestors came to America many years ago, when they arrived if you couldn't talk the English Language, couldn't get a job, eat or support your family needs. To all the rights groups, wait until the emergency happens, the same people who can't understand the English Language have to find help for you.

  4. You know more I live in States and more I realize that Americans

    ( I mean those who live here more than 3 generations ) have got a clear Idea about all the illegals.

    Sometimes I get angrier than them ( Americans) because I came here Legally....doing everything properly...I did what I was supposed to do, what everybody is supposed to do if he/she wants to be in this country.....and when you walk ,shop,take the understand that there are so many Illegals who just came here and took everything they could without filling any paper, waiting their turn or something!!!

    My point is, I think Americans are annoyed by them..and if they could they would get rid of them happily but this is something that the government has to take care of , for this reason they know their hands are tied... by the way they recognize them on the road...stores , how they LOOK....they BEHAVE....they SPEAK.....

  5. One reason why Americans are upset about illegal immigration is because Mexican illegal immigrants are showing disrespect to the USA by flying the Mexican flag above the turned upside down American flag within the USA! Americans are NOT going to stand for and will NOT allow such disrespectful activities within the USA!

  6. Why? Because they've ignored and trampled on our laws,they've cost tax payers billions,they've brought in high rates of crime, they've taken jobs that Americans need, they've brought in disease and illness,they've bankrupted hospitals,they're racist,they refuse to assimilate,they've brought the economy down. Do I really need to go on?

  7. We Americans are not mad about illegals coming into our country demanding rights that they don't even had in their country. Illegals that come into my home country and steals from our citizens their ID, social security, etc. and then claim that is OK because they came to work and without their help our economy will fall.. We are not mad when our schools have to drop their high standard academics in order to accommodate their illegal children without contributing to it. WE are not mad when our health care facilities are closing down because the illegals are using those services and don't pay nothing leaving the burden to us the American citizens. We are not mad when they march through our streets showing their Mexican flag and dishonoring our colors. We are not mad when they call us racist just because we try to defend what is legally ours, our country. My friend we are more than mad we are disgusted.

  8. They would be even madder if they knew about  The North American Union? (Goggle it). It’s a treaty signed in 2005 that Bush signed that amalgamates US, Canada and Mexico as one country destroying all borders. Your stars and strips are to go as well as the dollar. New currency is called the Newmero (goggle it).  You maybe should be asking why you have not heard of this, you certainly will not hear about it on mainstream media.

    In 20 years time there will be no US, only an area of the only an area of The North American Union. It will become a police state directed by the new world order and the population will have been carefully reduced by 85%.

    Visit -

  9. I have $70 billion rea$on$ to be mad about illegal alien criminal leeches, which is what they cost the US taxpayer annually.

  10. I believe the employers of illegals should be put in prison, and illegals deported especially with criminal records, close the southern border, and enforce our laws. Problem solved.

  11. its not just america i live in egland and my town is over run with polish...seriously they have there own polish shops and posters are translated into polish aswell as english...soooo annoying,haha


  12. Remember YOU asked this question.

    I beleive it's cause Illegals are trying to take over our USA. & they come here taking our anscestor taxes and then leave to come back to do it again. WE cannot get what we deserve, why should Illegals? Or any other alien for that matter? I am intitled to MY opinion, call it what you may, I dont care. The big companies are doing it for cheaper help to raise their profits. It benefits NO ONE really in the long run EXCEPT the big companies. Let me ask you this, Why come to the USA IF Big Companies are taking their company overseas? Why don't you ALL stay where you were born like we are, and learn to build on that? Once you do leave here, why don't you ALL learn to build your own countries from what you have learned here in the USA? I AM NOT PREDJUDICE, think what you will. BUT, I am against Loitering and taking what isn't yours and getting what others have tried to get for decades. & they can't! OUR Government isn't getting better! IT's getting worse! WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE HERE????

  13. They take way too much and give too little back.  They are mooches, and expect everything for free.  Do your part in helping with the illegal invasion, go to

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