
Why are americans not allowed in cuba?

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Why are americans not allowed in cuba?




  1. Just to add to several good comments; The " americans" that Castro kicked out were US Mafia figures that were paying off the NASTY DICTATOR that was running Cuba and were were working with the right wing rich Cubans that ran away from their country after it was freed (they had no reason to leave if they weren't crooks)...They had a revolution like we did to take their country back...

    Every other free country in the world can travel to and from Cuba for a nice vacation and they DO...I don't know, ask why we aren't as free as Holland, Canada, or anywhere else???

  2. cuz cuba is racist

  3. We are punishing Cuba for being anti-American. For being communists and not obeying our demands.

  4. Because we refuse to have anything to do with them until they reform their government.

    All they have to do to get full trade and economic relations with us is to simply have an internationally monitored multi-party election.

    For some reason people apologize for the Cuban dictators and try to blame the US.

  5. Should be ok soon, now that the Berlin Wall came down

  6. Because Cubans in America made the Republicans set up silly embargo so they can force their relatives into abject poverty and suffering that includes little contact with the rest of the world.  Cuban Americans only want to get Cuba's riches.

    Fight to end the embargo.

  7. They can travel to Cuba but they have to fly in or sail in from another country. They are also not precisely well liked in Cuba, except in the tourist resorts.

    The reason is simple. Americans backed up a dummy leader in Cuba who allowed the Americans to set up businesses and huge investments, so Cuba became America's playground. Castro decided this was not right and he was pro communist, he headed a revolt and kicked the Americans out of Cuba, while keeping their invested money and properties there forever, with no hope of return. Americans were paranoid about communism and the cold war raged supreme. Then Castro became buddies with the Russians and got nuclear missiles which he threatened to point towards American soil. So after the crisis was solved, Castro stayed in power and all the Cuban exiles ran to the United States to continue carping about their lost properties, just hoping for the day Castro passes away. Americans have put an embargo in place against Cuba, so the country has lived through hard times now that the Russians no longer provide them with aid of any kind. Cuba is the last communist nation in the world.

  8. They are, they just have to travel to Canada to get there.

    Why? The US is mad at Castro over the Cuban Missle Crisis, the Bay of Pigs and the Mariel Boat Lift.

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