
Why are americans so racist?Olympics?

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Why the h**l are you people are crying about China having underage people when you guys cheat as well.....

I know if u guys would of won the gold medal for gymnastics you guys would of been like oh good match you guys were good and c**p you guys are some lil babies stfu about their age they still kicked ur ***!




  1. It is not just Americans saying the girls are underage, it is the whole world.  Get a grip on reality.

  2. The USA is completely hypocritical.

  3. The reason people are outraged by China having under age gymnasts is simple...because it is CHEATING...plain and simple.

    From International Herald Tribune online; "But online records listing Chinese gymnasts and their ages that were posted on official Web sites in China, along with ages given in the official Chinese news media, seem to contradict the passport information, indicating that He and Jiang may be as young as 14.

    In Chinese newspaper profiles this year, He was listed as 14, too young for the Beijing Games.

    The Times found two online records of official registration lists of Chinese gymnasts that list He's birthday as Jan. 1, 1994, which would make her 14. A 2007 national registry of Chinese gymnasts - now blocked in China but viewable through Google cache - shows He's birthday as "1994.1.1."

    Another registration list that is unblocked, dated Jan. 27, 2006, regarding an intercity competition in Chengdu, China, also lists He's birthday as Jan. 1, 1994. That date differs by two years from the birth date of Jan. 1, 1992, listed on He's passport, which was issued Feb. 14, 2008.

    The other gymnast, Jiang, is listed on her passport - issued March 2, 2006 - as having been born on Nov. 1, 1991, which would make her 16.

    A different birth date, indicating Jiang is not yet 15, appears on a list of junior competitors from the Zhejiang Province sports administration. The list of athletes includes national identification card numbers into which birth dates are embedded. Jiang's national card number as it appears on this list shows her birth date as Oct. 1, 1993, which indicates that she will turn 15 in the fall, and would thus be ineligible to compete in the Beijing Games.

    An advantage for younger gymnasts is that they are lighter and, often, more fearless when they perform difficult maneuvers, said Nellie Kim, a five-time Olympic gold medalist for the former Soviet Union who is the president of the women's technical committee for the Swiss-based International Gymnastics Federation."

    You do not seem very knowledgeable about women's gymnastics...only capable of using inflammatory language in a feeble attempt to bait others into "flamer" responses. You might consider posing some real questions instead. China did not kick the USA's ***...they simply cheated in order to win. That discredits the results, and dishonors the country for their intentional deceit.  

  4. True, America has cheated before, so I can't argue with you there. I ain't complaining either, we lost and I'm over it. I don't care about age, it's not like taking steroids. Big whoop.

  5. I know they have lied about their ages.

    I live in China and saw the reports. When they got caught the reports magically disappeared just like anything here that the government realises is bad.

    They are hiding the truth of their ages. It would have been to late to change athletes which would have ruled them out all-together..

    I wonder if those girls can maintain this lie for the rest of their lives.

    People couldn't keep their mouth shut about the lip-synching girl so maybe someone will make a mistake here too.

    By the way the goverenment has made all reports of the lip-synching girl "disappear" too.

  6. I'm not understanding your link between hypocrisy and racism.  They're not synonyms, sir.

  7. *sigh* Argumentatum ad hominem

    While there is still racism in America, I feel (as a Chinese-American) that these comments, if taken in the context in which they were said, were not

    racist, because IIRC, the speaker congratulated them on their performance anyways.

    Edit: Actually, now that I've read some more, there is definitely resentment. Still, I don't think it's a hatred towards the Chinese, more against China.


  9. Yeah, I agree. We're kind of hypocritical.  

  10. My friend, we feel that these kids were underage. Look at the bodies, they're a lot shorter than the average American gymnast. So we believe that they cheated.

    Believe me, one day the true will come out and you going to says "I says so."

    Good luck

  11. Americans can do no wrong.(sarcasm)  Ask George Bush.  I found it ironic that he was telling Russia what they should and shouldn't be doing.

  12. Wow - it's called hypocrisy with a capital H. Ask Marion Jones.

    Chinese are tiny anyways (the gymnasts in particular) and it's hard to tell their ages. But Chinese people are very talented and flexible. for some reason, the good old Americans think no one has the capability to beat them. And they sort of have this antipathy towards Asians. The huge population of the country also multiplies the country's talent.  

  13. my friend, I feel like our wonderful american athletes cheat too. Especially since they have an excellent track record (not to make a bad pun or anything) for getting caught years after they dope and take home medals. And I don't know why people don't seem to understand asian people in general have much smaller frames and age so much better. Especially since there are so many stereotypes about small asian women who look 12 and the typical small nerdy asian guys.

    yeah... some people are a bit hypocritical. But many are just mislead by an extremely biased media who makes good money off of this kind of imaginary drama of the clean holy US athletes defying the evil cheating communists to take home the gold. If they don't win? then the communist cheated, after all what else would you expect from communists? it's not like the cold war is over or anything.

  14. Racist Americans hate asians especially Chinese people because China is now the competing economy. So they have to try and make China look bad in every piece of news.  

  15. Yes the Olympics certainly brings out the best in people doesn't it.

  16. I don't think you understand..being underage can be a big advantage

    its up to the individual to cheat they know right from wrong...

    u cant blame an entire nation for what someone did by themselves or a group of people..

    plus china publish this


  18. Man that is so yesterday. Everyone asking and answering this type of question needs to chill out and go smoke a bowl. Who wants to join me? I'm not racist. Everyones invited!!!

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