
Why are ants and humans alike in warfare ,over things?

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Why are ants and humans alike in warfare ,over things?




  1. T.H. White in The Once and Future King (or was it The Book of Merlyn?) compared different ant colonies to the two extremes of human politics - fascist and communist (which, it may be argued, produce the same extreme dictatorship rule in the end).  Some ant species (ie army ants) have that innate drive to go forth and conquer, eating all in their path.  Others are highly organized in a different manner and go forth to collect resources without having to constantly wage war, but will still of course protect their colony (ie leaf cutters).

    It is philosophized that human socities need a common enemy, and in many cases this has pointed the finger toward another entity that we go to war with.  I'm not for some new world order or an Orwellian world, but as long as their are differing peoples and differing countries with the human mindset and inequality ruling, there will always be war.

  2. Interesting isnt it?

  3. It's better to compare humans and chimps: chimps will "war" against neighboring groups in order to broaden their resources. or expand their home range size. That's close to the basal reasons why humans war. Ant warfare is much different, due to the very different morphology of insects.

    Most primates engage in some sort of intergroup conflict, but only chimpanzees and humans have the organization and size to commit such a deliberate act that we usually call war.

  4. Because both humans and ants are social creatures. We are much like a colony because we have the world community which I consider as a huge human colony.( I don't consider countries like colonies).

  5. For ants, it is instinct. For human, it is for greed.

  6. Because of all species, humans and ants are the most screwed up! Maybe it's the living in colonies that does it.

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