
Why are ants babies so much bigger than them?

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Why is ants larva stuff so much bigger than the ant, like how do they give birth to them they are like twice the ants size. Also, why are they white?




  1. The life cycle of insects goes from eggs, to larvae to pupae to the adult. Therefore the ants give birth to eggs, not larvae. The eggs hatch into larvae which are then fed and grow. The larvae of most insects are larger than the adult, as when they turn into a pupae and thence to an adult, they cannot feed and use up energy to acomplish the change (called metamorphosis), so get smaller.

    It is in the best interest of an insect, which (generally) has a hard outer layer, or exoskelton, to be as near to its finished size as possible. Every time an adult insect has to grow it discards its exoskeleton and its soft tissues expand before a new hard exoskelton is formed. The insect is very vulnerable to damage and predation during this process, so does this as few times as possible.  

  2. Ant eggs aren't bigger than their mother, the queen ant.

  3. um...not sure about the rest..but the larvae are white because they have not yet developed an exoskeleton..

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